Saturday, July 12, 2008

Simple Video Step To Start Ministry Marketing Using Flip Video

Are you ready to enter the video marketing strategy with your ministry or your business?

This is one of my passions. To help Christians find ministry marketing ideas to help them as they look to promote their ministry or raise money so they can minister freely.

I'm in the midst of creating a whole website full of these tips.

It's a step by step process....A real journey. I'm in my beginning stages and loving it.

Why do I like this?

Well, as I said, I love to come alongside and help people. In addition, I am quite serious in looking into marketing strategies, personal development, and increasing skills. All of this comes wrapped in a neat package as I write for my site, read e-books and marketing strategies on line.

God is giving me a season where I can do this. So I'm trying to be faithful with my time, and dig in to get something up and running now. So then when school starts, business cranks up with AMC (, I'll have something making treadway on the internet.

Gotta go...Lots of writing still to go!
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