Saturday, November 5, 2011

How To Be Fearless: Kingdom Trainer Ericka D. Jackson

By Ericka D. Jackson

There have been countless workshops, seminars, sermons, motivational speeches and books written on fear…

Yet it is still stopping the Body of Christ from moving forward in their callings.

Fears time is up.

This is because the Lord is now releasing new revelation from the Kingdom of Heaven.

First of all, let me apologize to all those who have attempted to teach people how to overcome their fear.


Because they have been wrong. 


Okay...not completely wrong, but definitely not right.


This will stop you from quoting all of those cute little sayings about fear and get you fully on the right track.

Bold, huh? I know...but I'm not good at sugar-coating things. You'll see what I mean when you watch this video.

Take a peek at this video teaching above  to learn what it takes to receive effective teaching on fearlessness so you can eradicate all fear from your life forever.

If you like this teaching, click here to receive all 10 videos!


About Ericka

Ericka was twelve years old when she discovered her gift of speaking and leading. She has been making audiences rise to their feet ever since. Her more than 20 years of experience in guiding people in living the lives they were born to live, her anointing as a speaker, talent and humor as a natural entertainer converge to create a life-changing experience for her audiences. She is a catalyst for action that leaves audiences and congregations transformed.

She believes the best adventure of all is to live fully on purpose for Jesus. God has released her gifts of hearing His voice, teaching, prophecy, deliverance and healing for such a time as this. Through obedience and complete surrender, Ericka shares precious new revelation and lessons of God’s Kingdom. Her testimony is one of overcoming, forgiveness, faith, and unyielding pursuit of the Word and revelation of God. Through obedience and complete surrender, Ericka shares fresh revelation of God’s Kingdom across the nations.

She skillfully blends spiritual insights with practical application that clears away anything in the way of knowing and operating on God’s path. She is the author of numerous CDs, podcasts, articles, trainings, teaching tools and five books.  She is the founder of The Kingdom Minister’s Training Institute, where she equips Kingdom Ministers to grow thriving ministries as pure vessels for the works of Jesus upon the Earth. Visit learn more about her life’s work.

Video Ministry: God's Train Is NOT Behind Time

by Ministry Marketing Productions, Theresa Croft

This video ministry centers on the fact that “God’s Train is not behind time!

How about this verse:

“For the vision is yet for an appointed time,

but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though

it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.” (Habakkuk 2:3)

I want to express to you that God is always on time. He

knows your vision and your plans. His time table is perfect.

Here is a Destiny Word for you. Click here on on

the video below:


I love what Charles Spurgeon says. This hit me in a great way:

“The Lord in unfailing wisdom has appointed a time for the outgoings of His gracious power, and God’s time is the best time. We are in a hurry; the vision of the blessings excites our desire and hastens our longings; but the Lord will keep His appointments. He never is before His time; He never is behind.

God’s word is here spoken of as a living thing which will speak and will come. It is never a dead letter, as we are tempted to fear when we have long watched for its fulfillment. The living word is on the way from the living God, and though it may seem to linger, it is not in reality doing so. God’s train is not behind time.”

My friend and Kingdom Trainer, Ericka D. Jackson, said it this way:

“I wanted to tell you that all of your holding on is about to pay off in a big way. All the days of the Lord breaking you, emptying you out and then stripping you are so worth it….

“No matter what things are looking like around you, stay focused on building His Kingdom and completing the assignment He has given you. Do it with ALL of your power, passion and capacity and He will greatly reward you.”

One more final note. I heard a well known and respected

prophet saying that anointed people like you, ministers who have

the dreams and the visions and calling on them in a strong way,

are going to go through a real test. God is preparing you NOW

for that test. NO, it’s not a test about lack but about abundance.

Can God entrust to you with the overflowing of His wealth for you

to be about the Kingdom of God? Forget the world’s economy.

We are talking about God’s economy for God’s time…the end times.

Yep, you are right where HE wants you…and I think I see Gold..

in you!

So go watch the video above…and be encouraged!

And get on God’s train….

Your best days are here…and still to come!


Click here for more information and encouragement, including a free video web help guide, to help you be part of God's Media Army or for your ministry marketing.


Theresa Croft is a virtual ministry video assistant who helps pastors, ministers, evangelists, Kingdom Trainers, authors and coaches harness the power of the internet with video for preaching, promotion and profits. Her main assignment is to help equip God's Media Army proclaiming the Kingdom of God online.