Saturday, August 20, 2011

Reach Out And Thrive: Ministry Marketing Training

The Reach Ministry Marketing System

By Ericka Jackson

After ten years and thousands of hours of sitting in His presence and studying marketing, I have arrived at The Reach Ministry Marketing System that makes it easy for others to share the message of their ministry with others both locally and round the world.

I am unveiling my marketing system for the first time in one, cohesive training system.

It is not enough to be a great teacher or preacher of the Word. You are also responsible for getting that message into the hands of the people God has set aside for you to reach.

In other words, every ministry has to understand that they have a message to get into the marketplace and the best way to do this. And it has to be effective so you can get back to the core functions of working with the people of God and bringing salvation to the unsaved.

But, most ministers are not wired for business. This lack of business wiring is so prevalent in the ministry community that most ministers are not even comfortable working their ministry as their livelihood and just passing along your gifting for free.

Click Chere to learn more to see if this training is for you! ______________________________________________________________

But, Jesus needs you to complete the works that He began upon the earth. He needs you to plant His Kingdom.

How can you do this if no one knows the message He has given you to carry to His people?

This means that as ministers we have to also become masters at connecting or what the world calls marketing.

This is a serious challenge for most ministers because we are heart people. Ministry and marketing are not in the same sentence for most ministers.I have taken the head-ache, frustration and overwhelm out of the process of you finding and connecting with your flock. With this proven system, you will easily be able to locate your flock and communicate with them both online and offline powerfully and often.

I have perfected this marketing system over the last ten years. When I began my ministry, I could not find ANYTHING that spoke to the unique needs of a ministry in sharing your information with others. It wasn't as easy as plugging in my information into secular marketing systems, programs and teaching.

I had to figure out how to do this on my own with absolutely NO model for those called to build and grow a ministry outside of the local church structure.

I perfected this system as I had to rebuild my ministry from scratch three different times. The first time was when I made a decision to move into full obedience and leave corporate training to teach "spiritual" principles. But, Jesus did not let me get away with this for long.

As I was filming a TV show back in Seattle, right in the middle of the walk-through He asked me, "Why do you keep hiding me?" That day I had to hit the "restart" button and shift my work to the Christians to which I was called.I had to start over. Almost NONE of my professional contacts were in the Christian community. I had to learn very quickly how to redefine my target market to taking responsibility for having a portion of the Lord's flock to teach and equip.

As soon as I was plugging along and had built my e-list to thousands, the Lord called me to move my ministry from Seattle, WA to Raleigh, NC. Not only did I have to start over in a new location where NOBODY knew my name or my work, the Lord told me that I had to terminate the two training contracts I had with other companies in order to release all He has placed within me.

I had to dust off the marketing principles I had learned the first and second time around and move them into high-gear because I had only weeks to produce the income that was needed to sustain both the ministry and my a single mother.


I had to get real good really fast.

And About that Money Thing

It is time to activate your divine scriptural right to make a living through your ministry (see 1 Corinthians 9: 14). God has given you gifts so you can apply those gifts to building His Kingdom on a full-time basis. Face it, your vision needs ALL of you.

Click HERE To read more....and watch the Above Video!


About Ericka

Ericka was 12 years old when she discovered her gift os speaking and she has been making audiences rise to their feet ever since. She belives tha tthe best adventure of all is to live fully on purpose for Jesus. God has released her gifts of hearing His voice, teaching, prophecy, deliverance and healing for such a time as this. Through obedience and complete surrender, Ericka shares precious lessons of God's Kingdom across the nation.

When she started her Kingdom ministry 10 years ago from scratch when there was no model. All she had was the vision God gave her. She gave up a dependable and profitable pay check and close proximity to her family to walk in God's promise. She moved when God told her to, to a city where she knew no-one, to live out God's call on her life. She has given everything to the Lord so she can carry out the call on her life.

As a single mother, she has been able to serve God non-stop (without even having to get a part time job) for the past 10 years. In the meantime, God has unfolded a process that has helped Ericka create multiple sources of income which enabled her to serve the Kingdom of God full time. Her anointing as a speaker and humor as a natural entertainer converge to create a life-changing experience for her audiences.

She is the author of five books, numerous CDs and audio teachings, eBooks, and is the founder of The Kingdom Minister's Training Institute, where she equips Kingdom Ministers to grow thriving ministries as pure vessels for the works of Jesus upon the Earth. Visit to receive your Top 50 Ways to Grow Your Ministry and to learn more about her life's work.

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