Friday, August 12, 2011

Don't Shoot The Wounded-Reach Ministry Marketing System

What is that saying?

God's army is the only one that shoots its own wounded?

Remember that song by Chuck Girard back in the early "80's?

Don't shoot the wounded, they need us more than ever

They need our love no matter what it is they've done

Sometimes we just condemn them,

And don't take time to hear their story

Don't shoot the wounded, someday you might be one

It's easy to love the people who are standing hard and fast

Pressing on to meet that higher calling

But the ones who might be struggling, we tend to judge too harshly

And refuse to try and catch them when they're falling

We put people into boxes and we draw our hard conclusions

And when they do the things we know they should not do

We sometimes write them off as hopeless

And we throw them to the dogs

Our compassion and forgiveness sometimes seem in short supply

So I say...

I know YOU are part of the solution to bring hope, comfort, and

an answer to those wounded by the Body of Christ.

Or salvation to those who don't know Him.

You have a gift, anointing…It may be in your particular ministry,

your book, your music, or your service.

And I truly believe you are part of the answer for these end times.

It's time to take action. The harvest is white…and a great many

are online right now.

In the video below, Patricia King talks about "God's Media Army"

broadcasting over the internet, tv, music, and movies….BROAD

casting HIS NET for Fish….

Click on the video below to watch!

Any "army" needs the right training.

I have two options for you as a minister.

One, the lesser amount to pay, is my book, "Six Market Plan Steps For

Ministry", a basic blue print in how  you can begin your online venture.

A video at the end of the one above goes through the features.

Click here for the bonuses including an audio book of the book:

The other option is the Reach Ministry Marketing Webinar by my

friend, Ericka D. Jackson. This is a 4 part power packed webinar

teaching you how you can build your Kingdom Ministry and thrive.

I will be one of her special guests teaching on some basic oniine

marketing keys.

Click here to learn more about this:

I truly believe your investment in basic training will encourage and help

you as you take steps to further your ministry online.

You are a bright light…sitting on a hill…shining his glory.

Despise not small beginnings…

And please, don't shoot the wounded. They need us now more than ever!

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