Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ministry Market: Step One To Focus

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Ministry Market Focus: Step One To Business Or Ministry Success


Ministry Market plan focus for success in ministry or business is an element that is easy to talk about and less easy to define.

What encompasses the word focus? Are there steps to improve your market plan focus so you can experience more success in your ministry, your business, even in your personal life?I’ve been hearing the word “focus” a lot lately as my husband lovingly teases me that I can get going in five different directions and instantly lose focus. One minute I could be helping with the dishes and the next, I end up on my computer answering a friend on Facebook.

Although the kids tend to laugh at me when I sometimes do funny things because my mind is elsewhere (such as put the milk in the pantry instead of the refrigerator), I know it’s no laughing matter in the end.

So I went on a serious journey to define focus and find sound keys to improve it in my life for ministry or business. From the word of God to great teachers in ministry and business, I found some keys that anyone could use to open the door to a greater potential of improving their focus in their life.

Focus Defined

The word focus is defined as “a central point, as of attraction, attention, or activity.” I’d like to hone in on the part of definition that involves concentration: to focus one’s thoughts.

The mind is an incredible gift from God. As it says in His Word, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.”(Proverbs 23:7)

So the beginning key to having market plan focus has to start in the mind.

Well, I love acronyms, so I took the letters in focus and found five central thoughts to improve your market plan focus for success in ministry, business and life!

F-O-C-U-S - Step 1- Fix Your Eyes On The Destination

Step one for market plan focus is to simply fix your eyes (your mind) on the final destination.

Your destination in business might be to start a company, to get a raise, to find a way to earn extra money online, or to learn a new skill. You may want to pay off credit cards or pay off your house to be debt free.

What’s your desired destination in your ministry? It might be financial freedom so you can do what God has called you to without stressing over the provision for the vision. Your desired destination might be to see your family or marriage restored.

Fix your eyes on it! Define it. See it. Believe it. Right it down on paper!

Take this as fuel for your mind...In Hebrews Chapter 12, verse 2, we are encouraged:“...fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

Jesus knew his final destination was to die on a cross to fulfill His purpose to restore the fellowship of mankind to the Father. So amidst the attacks, the slander, and the pain, He pressed forward to be about His Father’s business.

Jesus knew his death on the cross and resurrection would result in eternal fellowship and redemption of His people to the Father. This ultimate result only made Him all the more intent to set His face like flint to go to Jerusalem. He was longing for the fellowship of His Father, and desiring YOU to be right there with Him.

That drive toward that destination was alive in Him like fire from the cradle right to the cross. Jesus is the ultimate example of someone having focus!

You’ll be amazed what you can endure when you make your destination you desire in your life a priority.

Access To All FIVE Steps

To get all FIVE steps of this market plan focus, click on the link below. You'll also learn more about how you can harness the power of the internet for easy fundraising ideas to help you earn extra money for your business, non-profit, ministry, or family!

Click here for All FIVE market plan steps and free access to an internet search bar to generate provision for your vision!

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