Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Video Ministry: Is There Hope After Meth

Firebrand Video Ministry presents a special message concerning drugs ravaging the lives of our children and youth.

So the question. Is there life after meth?

The answer is a resounding "yes" through Christ Jesus.

Listen as Pastor Dave Croft shares this special series with his daughter Heidi Croft who was delivered from meth four years ago.

"The Heidi Series: Hope In Jesus"

A picture of Heidi on June 6, 2006 (6/6/2006)
"The day the devil was done messing with me."
Heidi Croft

Heidi Croft today....FREE in Jesus...Free To serve Him!

Please Facebook, tweet, comment and social bookmark this. God gets the glory.

Many need to know there is hope! You can be delivered from sin, drugs, alcohol, pornography, and prescription drug addictions.

There is HOPE and DELIVERANCE available for you in Christ Jesus.

We will pray. Fill out the form at the top right of this blog....no name needed and we will lift you up.

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