Friday, October 22, 2010

3 Steps To A Christian Music Marketing Plan Online

     Three Steps To Promotion And Christian Marketing

These three Christian marketing steps can be a great starting point whether you are looking to promote your ministry online or trying to earn extra money with your Christian home business.

I recently attended a seminar with internet marketing great Stephen Pierce, and special guest, Power Team International founder, Bill Walsh. I received amazing wisdom from these men who are at the top of their fields in internet marketing and network marketing businesses.

I took lots of notes and found these three business keys you can use in your ministry marketing steps or Christian home based business plan.

You can look at them as beginning steps for a ministry marketing plan online. You can also check out The Simple Ministry Marketing Training Series offered by Ministry Marketing Productions.

If you are ready to harness the power of the internet for preaching, promotion or profits,  I believe these three points will prove beneficial to you to begin the journey!

A-C-T Three Ministry Marketing Steps

The three steps spell ACT:

  • A: A stands for assess. This means assess where you are now in your ministry marketing or work from home business. Are you in the beginning and wondering where to go? Or are you in the middle with frustration and aggravation because you see no results, no traffic, no resources gained?

    Just acknowledge where you are and go on from there. Don't condemn or judge, just use this as your starting point.

  • C Choose to act. Choose to begin to make good choices on what to feed your mind. Choose positive images and words. Make a choice that you are going to fix your eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith, and you are going to walk out that faith with work! Words are so powerful. Life and death is in your tongue!

    In addition, choose wisely with the coaches and mentors who can play a role in your ministry or business plan. Commit to not just learning but applying what you learn. To learn means you have to act. Act means work.

    Commit and recommit every day to maintaining your relationship with God. Yes, it is a pivotal role in your ministry and business! God can download information, wisdom and strategy in your time with Him in the Word, like no other person. He can help you refine your sskills you do have. He can download HIS favor at a moments notice. He can set you before the right people at the right time to make your destiny not just a dream but a reality.

    Choose personal development as a priority. That might mean attending a seminar, from Dani Johnson to Kenneth a free blogging course! God will reveal the mentors and teachers to you. You simply have to choose to trust Him for the provision, direction and simply GO...choose to ACT...WORK!

  • T Be thankful. Find joy in your journey today. Don't let your longing for something in the future slay your appetite for living today! Don't allow your present circumstances determine your future.

    God will prepare you for your destiny. Don't freak out during the preparation. The process is the preparation for your destiny!

    Think about it. Would a father give his 11 year old son keys to his NASCAR style race car? I think not.


    If he was grooming his son for a racing career, I believe he'd start with the small racing style cars and work his son up from stage to stage to get to that NASCAR car.

    Imagine the thrill of that Father when he sees his son (or daughter) be patience, work and learn how to be the best race car driver each stage of that destiny. (I wonder if this is how the late Dale Earnhardt felt about his son?)

    Finally, remember that the One Who has given you the vision will provide the provision. Where God calls, He enables.

    Some final thoughts:

    "Our words are containers. They contain our destiny." - Jesse Duplantis

    "No one's opinion is as important as your destiny." - Stephen Pierce

    God calls us not to be mountain climbers, but mountain dissolvers!" - Jesse Duplantis

For more information on simple ministry marketing steps to a training plan, click here and discover simple steps to success online!

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