Friday, September 11, 2009

Video Ministry: Create Your Own Christian Television

You can start your own video ministrytoday and take advantage of the trend of people watching more Christian online videos, podcasts, or UstreamTV, or

Statistics show that videos on the internet get people's attention. ComScore released a report which shows that Americans watched a record 14.3 billion videos during one single month.

As you might have guessed, Google leads the way in statistics with which accounts for over 41% of overall video views.

So how does this relate to your thoughts on a video ministry or starting your own version of Christian Television?

In a recent article about "E-vangelism" in Charisma Magazine, it reported on the growing number of people reaching out online to receive spiritual help. Here is proof that now, more than ever before, is the time for you to take action with your own video ministry.

One study they wrote about in this article was by the Barna Group. Their study revealed that nearly one in four adults said they downloaded a church podcast in the last week.

David Kinnaman, the lead researcher on this particular study says in essence that:

"Technology presents a newfound opportunity for ministers to evangelize a worldwide audience."

Another prominent voice in this move toward more Christian online videos and ministry is Phil Cooke, president of Cooke Pictures. He says that Christian ministries and media need to be active in engaging a one on one conversation with a generation accustomed to giving their opinions and thoughts on Web sites.

"It's far more than having a fancy Web site and cool grapics, says Cooke, author of BRANDING FAITH, a book about telling powerful stories in a media-dominated culture that changes people's lives inside and out.

"The thing we have to understand is what is the story we are trying to tell. What is the audience that is interested in that story and how do we connect with that audience? Until we understand that, all the other things don't matter,"Cooke states.

So what is God saying to you? You can't use the excuse about not having money. If you have a computer and a web cam, you can have your own video ministry. Now, if you don't have a web cam, I hope you'll have the diligence to save like my friend Rev. Harriet Bradley did, to start her own free video ministry!

You can also see this example with Bishop CD Miller with her Just Jesus website, among other powerful free tools she uses for her video ministry.

Help For Your Video Ministry!

Special limited offer! Receive a free video series with answers to such questions as....

*How Can I get video up to my blog easily

*How Can I stream live video

*Is Video really powerful?

*How do I promote my videos

*Twitter what?

*How can I get high search rankings on Google formy videos and websites

*Can I really start my own videoministry online???

Find out key video secrets for ministry marketing!

For more ministry marketing strategies including social media and video, click here!

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