Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Six Market Plan Steps For Business Or Ministry Marketing

Are you looking for market plan steps to promote your Christian music or ministry online?

I get e-mails and phone calls often now of sincere Christians looking to go forward in their God given destiny with their gifts and anointing.

As that happens, I feel the urgency to complete my book on how you can take simple market plan steps to begin your ministry marketing on the internet to take advantage of the tremendous amount of exposure and promotion possible in this "new frontier of ministry" online! So here are Six Steps To Your Christian Music, Ministry or Business Plan outlined below on this page. These market plan steps will also be explained more in detail in the corresponding videos that you can find here (and eventually in the new book!)

My heart is to be a vessel to assist you as you look to promote your Christian music, make money for ministry, or simply be financially free to serve God. Now is the time that God is arming His body to minister to so many hurting hearts! Now is the time to take advantage of the internet!

As my Christian Marketing Coach, Stephen Pierce, always says:

"The internet does not require your permission, just your participation...."

The Six Steps To Your Market Plan
So get a pen and paper and write down these six market plan steps. Get ready to watch some videos that will explain each step more in detail.

The great thing about these steps is most of them only require your time and not as much from your wallet.

Step One

WHY? Why do you want to pursue an online marketing plan? Know and write out your purpose, your vision, your mission that explains the purpose of your pursuit. Your ministry marketing plan is only as powerful as your preparation.

Know your reason why!

To learn more about this powerful foundation to the market plan steps, watch this video at http://ping.fm/q3shH

Step 2

WHO? Who is your target audience? Who are you trying to connect with in your particular group in your ministry marketing plan? For example, a Southern Gospel singer will not pursue a contemporary Christian music audience. He'll focus on those who are familiar with the sounds of Southern Gospel Music. Narrow it down to a specific niche.

Step 3

HOW? How are you going to connect with your niche audience? This is one of the pillars to this ministry marketing plan. You can drive a lot of traffic to your main website if you learn this one step. You will need to implement the POWER OF SOCIAL MEDIA:

Sign up and establish your own (free) page at these sites:

a) Facebook
b) Twitter
c) LinkedIn
e) YouTube
f) MySpace
g) ShoutLife, Xianz, or BlabLive.com(Christian Social Sites)
h) Tango (Christian Video Site)
i) MySpace
e) Blogger.com

This list can go on but the sites above would be a great start for you as you work on these market plan steps. To learn more about using video in marketing and starting out with Twitter, click here and bookmark this page for a free video training course I produced.

Step 4

WHAT? What do you have to add VALUE to your niche market? What information, gift, anointing, music, product do YOU have that can impact a life, help a heart, or change a circumstance around. Remember your clients always have one thought in their mind: "What's in it for me?" Sounds kind of callous but it is a market fact!

In addition, what can you provide for free to develop a list of contacts? Finding the answer to this can to lead a wonderful opportunity to communicate with your potential clients. As you provide value and build trust, they are more likely to purchase from you because they have gotten to know you through your e-mail contact!

So develop your "Free" product first in exchange for their name and e=mail address.

* Things To Give For Free:Blogs--To share your thoughts, your wisdom, your gifts and talents
* E-Book-(On a subject you have a lot of knowledge or steps of improvement, etc)
* Videos
* Webinars
* Music (How about a free download of your latest single?)

To Sell/Offer at a price:
* Your own product(s)
* Affiliate products
* Information products
* Webinars
* DVD's/videos
* Teaching/Speaking engagements
* Performances (musicians)
* Seminars You Lead

Step 5

WHEN? When do you communicate with your niche audience? This is a key and one powerful step to your ministry marketing plan. Find a great auto-responder, a computer program that automatically answers and sends e-mail. I prefer Aweber. As you give away information, you can ask for a name and e-mail first. Before you know it, you have a list that you can communicate with and develop trust. You set the letters up once and the auto-responder sends them out automatically on your set schedule. You can be sleeping at night while your auto-responder works for you communicating with your prospective clients and customers!!

Step 6

WHERE? Where can your target audience find you online? Can they find you? It's not enough just to set up a web site and think people will flock to your site. A good understanding of search engine optimization is a must in any market plan online.

Here are other simple SEO steps to learn:

How To Get High Rankings For FreeGetting
Pay Per Click Strategies
Understanding keywords (free keyword tools) Understanding Google's advanced and extra options

(more seo help check out http://budurl.com/b883

These six market plan steps will be a great foundation from which to spring into action for your own ministry marketing plan online to promote your ministry, to promote you!

For more ministry marketing strategies, visit http://ping.fm/2FDEc

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