Friday, November 19, 2010

Raising Money For Charity: A Real Solution

Raising Money For Charity

Have you looked for a solution in your quest for raising money for charity or a non-profit group? I know the strain and struggle it can be to ask people for money, no matter how great the non-profit or charity group is.

With the economy sputtering, it can make raising money for charity a challenge to say the least.

I spent over 15 years in a ministry which had to raise the majority of funds to keep it in operation. While I enjoyed working in this field, the time working the "sharathons" were quite draining and demanding as we asked for financial help.

A "Global Vision" Solution

So it's with great joy that I can direct non-profit groups, ministries, and other worthwhile charity organizations to the company called OurGV.

The founders of OurGV Inc. represent a combined 30 plus years of building successful businesses from the ground up. Frustrated with the lack of integrity, and seeming unwillingness of companies to take care of their most important asset, their people, a decision was made to start a new company. One that would be dedicated to having a positive impact on the world.

Taking every last ounce of their knowledge and expertise, the long process of research and development began. After several years of painstaking research and testing, was born.

OurGV stands for Our Global Vision, and that's exactly what the founders have. This company has what is proving to be the "single most powerful fund raising tool in world history."

If you are raising money for charity or a ministry, I believe OurGV Inc. is worth checking into, so your group could raise money without having to ask people for more donations.

You simply ask them is to download a search toolbar and after that all it takes to raise money is for people to do simple internet searches and click on one of the sponsored results.

That might sound just too simple.

Watch the video below to learn more!

If you are ready to get this FREE toolbar for raising money for your charity or ministry, simply click here and go to sign up tab at top of page.

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