Fund Raising Ideas For Non-Profit Groups, Charity, Ministry, Or
Who else wants to discover real fund raising ideas for non-profit groups, ministry or charity without asking for money from the same people?
I know, that sounds like a dream not a reality.
For the first time in history the same technology that made billions of dollars for Google, and Yahoo, is now generating cash flow for ministries, non-profit groups, families, businesses and organizations around the world....!
You can check the vision and focus of this group by watching a video at the link below!
Have you looked for a solution in your quest for raising money for charity or a non-profit group? I know the strain and struggle it can be to ask people for money, no matter how great the non-profit or charity group is.
With the economy sputtering, it can make raising money for charity a challenge to say the least.
I spent over 15 years in a ministry which had to raise the majority of funds to keep it in operation. While I enjoyed working in this field, the time working the "sharathons" were quite draining and demanding as we asked for financial help.
A "Global Vision" Solution
So it's with great joy that I can direct non-profit groups, ministries, and other worthwhile charity organizations to the company called OurGV.
The founders of OurGV Inc. represent a combined 30 plus years of building successful businesses from the ground up. Frustrated with the lack of integrity, and seeming unwillingness of companies to take care of their most important asset, their people, a decision was made to start a new company. One that would be dedicated to having a positive impact on the world.
Taking every last ounce of their knowledge and expertise, the long process of research and development began. After several years of painstaking research and testing, was born.
OurGV stands for Our Global Vision, and that's exactly what the founders have. This company has what is proving to be the "single most powerful fund raising tool in world history."
If you are raising money for charity or a ministry, I believe OurGV Inc. is worth checking into, so your group could raise money without having to ask people for more donations.
You simply ask them is to download a search toolbar and after that all it takes to raise money is for people to do simple internet searches and click on one of the sponsored results.
Firebrand Video Ministry: Digital Ministry To the World
Firebrand Video Ministry is taking advantage of the latest technology to be a cutting edge digital ministry spreading the Good News of Jesus to the world.
Firebrand Video Ministry reaches out with Biblical teaching, preaching, and special series featuring testimonies.
Just recently the video ministry concluded "The Heidi Series, Is There Life After Meth", which dramatically shared Pastor Dave's daughter, Heidi's testimony of deliverance from drugs.
Below is a video sharing the vision behind this video ministry:
Vision Of Firebrand Video Ministry
We know the WORLD is thirsting for something real.
We know the harvest fields are ripe online.
We know God is pouring out HIS Spirit and anointing....
We KNOW GOD HAS SET YOU to be a part of the fulfillment of His bringing HIS KINGDOM to earth.
We know YOU have a DIVINE DESTINY!
Are you ready for the ripe harvest
Firebrand Ministry Facts
Who we are: is a prophetic, deliverance and healing ministry dedicated to helping Christians grow in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
The passion behind this Christ focused online ministry is to encourage Christians to apply the Word of God to make a difference in their own lives and to impact their world for Christ.
What We do:
Firebrand Video Ministry offers preaching, healing, prayer, and deliverance to help individuals as well as special speaking/ministering groups. (To check availability or to check into Firebrand Ministry to minister at your church or event click here.)Firebrand Ministry works with pastors, prophetic teams, evangelists, and other effective ministries to assist with prayer, teaching, and preaching of the Word of God. They are also active in helping other ministries use powerful simple ministry marketing steps for their own ministry's preaching,promotion, and profits.
Firebrand Ministry also provides an outlet for inspiration through the"Keys To Be Free" Video Ministry, KYSS Radio Blog, devotions, newsletters (E-Zines), audio and books encouraging men and women to take a step away from fear toward freedom and abundant life found in Jesus Christ.
Firebrand Ministry also offers a branch of their ministry (Ministry Marketing) which provides valuable instruction about Christian and local business internet marketing today through video marketing,e-books, videos, one-on-one coaching,and web seminars teaching "the New Media Revolution" marketing strategies, all the while encouraging a spirit of excellence in character and love in the marketplace.
Firebrand Ministry works locally with pastors, Christian organizations, Apostolic ministries, evangelist, prophetic ministries, businesses, in conjunction with DTC Ministry Marketing Productions by shooting and producing promotional videos that can be used on Blog Sites and online promotion.
What we believe:
WE believe in the Father, His Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.
We believe in being Spirit lead by yielding to His direction and plans for our lives.
We believe in the anointing of Jesus Christ to change lives.
We believe in the five fold ministry of the Body of Christ.
We believe in the operation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
We believe in having a relationship with God through reading The Holy Bible, prayer, praising and worshiping Him as the Holy Spirit leads.
We believe God has called men and women in the marketplace to rise up and work with a spirit of excellence giving glory to Him.We believe in reaching out to others around us sharing the Gospel through our words and the love of Jesus.
We believe the Word of God is the final authority to govern our lives, from relationally to spiritually to emotionally to financially.
For more information on Firebrand Ministry, feel free to contact us.
To learn how you can raise finances for your own ministry, click here!
"Sing songs to the tune of his glory, set glory to the rhythms of his praise." Psalm 66:2 MSG
Online Video Ministry from Firebrand Media Ministry tackles the subject of developing healthy relationships in this second part to the series.
Pastor Dave and Theresa Croft sit down for a heart to heart talk about relationships while sharing personal insights.
Here's a Facebook insight from Pastor Dave:
My greatest blessings came to me.I didn't look for them.
Jesus knows our needs and desires to give us all things to richly enjoy! (Phil.4:19)
SOW... It may not be in the natural-yet- But if you call those things that are not as though they are- By Faith- It will be accomplished!!!2Cor.4:13...
Same Spirit Of Faith ! I believe Jesus
Theresa adds:
There was a period in my single life where I truly desired a godly relationship in a husband. One thing God pressed into my heart over and over was the verses Dave shares above. Another verse was in Psalm 37, about "delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you your heart's desire..."
I remember one lady at a single's conference say, "You can find your mate in your Quiet Times with the Lord!"
So I truly asked the Lord to satisfy every last "aching abyss of my soul".
One thing He strongly impressed to me was that I should never let a longing for something in the future slay my appetite for Him or for enjoying the 'now'.
Many thanks to those of you who support this ministry.
Would you like to help us...continue this ministry?
This is how you can do that without writing a check!
It involves a fund raising toolbar that is like a regular search you would do from Google, Bing, or Yahoo...or whatever you usually use.
You can use this toolbar for all your internet searches and shopping. There are no spyware, adware, viruses. It is adult filtered and safe. We are committed to ministering through marketing and preaching (Firebrand Video Ministry) the Good News of Jesus Christ to a World Wide audience online!
This online ministry video from Firebrand Ministry presents Part 1 of the new series on relationships.
Listen in as Pastor Dave shares candidly with his wife, Theresa, about marriage and relationships. He discusses the four questions you can ask to help strengthen your marriage.
This online ministry video is made possible by the prayers and supporters of Firebrand Ministry. Contact us for more information on this video ministry or how you or your ministry might have your own online video ministry to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to the world or click here!
Discover how to harness the power of the internet for preaching, promotion, and profits for the Kingdom of God!
Submit name and email for instant access!
Married with two children.
In love with my Lord and my husband.
Consults and helps pastors, evangelists, authors, musicians, ministers, and entrepreneurs harness the power of the internet for preaching, promotion, and profits. Dedicated to training Christians to be part of God's Media Army with Kingdom training for the proclamation of the Gospel.