Monday, January 25, 2010

Christian Promotion Strategy Online

Precise Christian Promotion Methods: The "P" To S-P-E-A-K Ministry Marketing Plan

Success in having a Christian promotion strategy online must include precise marketing strategies.

Precise and proven internet marketing is what this means!!

It is one major key to the acronym S-P-E-A-K for success with a Chrisitan promotion strategy online and ministry marketing.

Two Mentors: My Path To Finding Precise Marketing Strategies

I have experienced this first hand in the past year of the difference between precise methods to marketing online and just hitting and missing with a mixed bag of strategies.

I have spent my share of money on different "guru" packages, courses and e-books.

And I have felt like I was spinning my wheels doing different things but seeing no real results.

I can tell you I got to a point of wondering…"Will any of this ever work"

My turning point came when I came in contact with two internet marketing giants. One was Frank Sousa, co-developer of Traffic Geyser. I was blessed to make a connection with Frank, as he was from my old home town of Spokane, Washington.

He was gracious enough to call me and spend some time mentoring me with his wisdom in regards to a video marketing strategy for an affiliate product I was trying to market to finance my ministry marketing vision. Frank is like a father figure to me. I felt so blessed to spend some time on the phone gleaning wisdom. I still stay in touch with him via e-mail. He does not mince words but speaks truth! I am so excited because recently Frank has lit a fire again in me in regards to using video as one precise marketing method.

I can honestly attest that Frank's advise (and Mike Koenings of Traffic Geyser) is the reason why I have been able to get myself and my client's numerous high rankings in search engine organic traffic for keywords.

It is ONE of my favorite precise marketing strategies!!

The other internet marketing giant I came across was Stephen Pierce. I gave his

MRMI Super Cash program a trial spin for $1 for 30 days.

I was barely into that 30 days when I saw immediate results from some basic methods that Stephen was teaching. For one, I increased traffic to my main site by over 50%. I can't express the thrill in learning one or two strategies, that I had no clue about before watching live webinars with Stephen, that worked! No black hat tricks. Just proven internet marketing strategies that have worked for my mentor for over 10 years!

In addition to this, I received amazing advice on marketing with blogs, forums, and affiliate marketing. It was "no brainer" for me to continue on with his training program!

So I guess a key to finding that precise marketing strategy has a lot to do with aligning yourself with mentors who have had success, and who over deliver on value.

For more information on

Traffic Geyser and a powerful video marketing strategy, check it out by clicking here.

Stephen Pierce, along with his wife Alicia, are now not only my coaches but my friends. I have spent time training at their home, have witnessed their integrity and heart to over deliver. So I can attest they would be the best coaches for you to learn THE BEST marketing strategies…AT the most reasonable price. They over deliver every time. To fluff or filler, just the real deal!

Check out this precise marketing strategies with MRMI by clicking here! (MRMI stands for Make Real Money on the Internet…and yes, it's happening to me.!)

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