Thursday, December 31, 2009

Keys To Win in 2010

Some thoughts as you look to a this new year...

I ride a motorcycle..Harley Davidson (grin).

One rule for successful riding is you keep your
head up at all times. You do not look to the
right or left, or at the bumps and holes in the
the road, just look straight ahead.


You go where you look. So I was taught
to "look through my turns", look where I
want to to, and don't look at the curb
or ditch!

As I was praying this morning, I felt like
that is going to be a key for you to win in
2010. Whatever win means to you....getting
out of debt, seeing a relationship restored, having
provision for your destiny, seeing your book published
or your band signed to a major contract......

The key for you, will be to keep your
head up and your eyes fixed on God.

Hebrews 12:1-2: "....looking away (from all that
will distract) to Jesus, who is the leader and the
source of our faith (giving the first incentive for our
belief) and is also the finisher (bringing it to
maturity and perfection)...(vs 2 AMPLIFIED)

Another key has to do with sowing, investing.
Aside from the obvious blessing and principle
of sowing financially (and with your time) into
the Kingdom of God (tithes and offerings), I
also believe this pertains to investing your talents
God has given you to obtain more for the building
of His Kingdom.

The parable of the talents comes to mind (Math. 25:14-29).

I truly am convinced that how we handle our talents
and gifts can determine our harvest.

God is looking for faithfulness with the little to see
if He can bless us with the much.

For example...if you are a Christian singer, do you
sing your heart out for the few...the 20 people at a
local concert, like you would for the 20,000, at a large

Are we thankful for the "few" God has given for us
to minister to, to preach to, to write teach....

Are we thankful for the few before the much?

One other area to consider in all this is how we invest
in our time.

Are we investing in learning a new skill, or refining
one we already have. Are we taking the time and
finances for personal development, for learning more
about God's principles....?

Finally, I am reminded of a phrase that the late Oral
Roberts was known for saying! ( I grew up watching
him with my parents back in the 70's and 80's...on TV)

Dr. Roberts was know to say "A miracle is either
coming your way or going past you all the time.
Reach out and take it! Do not let it pass by."

So, my friend, I challenge you to look to Jesus, not
our economy. Fix your eyes on Him....Invest, be thankful
and go forward, never looking back.

God's provision for your vision may be coming
to you in a market idea, an opportunity online, an
invitation to speak or sing, or through a previously
unknown association.

Watch for ways God may choose to bring a win win
situation to you in 2010, in due time.

"And let us not grow weary while doing good, for
in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart."
Galations 6:9

"Therefore, humble yourselves under the mighty
Hand of God that He may exalt you in due time."
1 Peter 5:6

Happy New Year!

I'll be in touch. I hope you'll do the same!

Theresa Croft

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