Friday, December 10, 2010

#1 Key For Business Or Ministry Marketing Success Online

What Is The #1 Key For Business Or Ministry Marketing Success Online

You may wonder what is the #1 key for business or ministry marketing success online.

I truly believe the main ingredient, the rock to the foundation of marketing your gift, your business, music, or ministry, involves personal development.

Communication skills, how you deal with people, serving others faithfully, being faithful to God where you are now, and willing to study and improve skills, are definite components of personal development and business or ministry marketing success online.

I also am a firm believer that maintaining an intimate relationship with God is a pivotal key to attain your dream or your destiny. It may be financial freedom or a large ministry, having that relationship based on the Word of God is a must.

You may be familiar with this verse:

"But seek you first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you." Matthew 6:33

The more I study marketing and follow great leaders in this industry, the more I hear that investing in yourself is so very important to your success.

What does this mean, really?

It involves learning to communicate, learning to ask the right questions, willing to serve others, and an ability to work with others bringing out the best in each person. I love this quote from Zig Ziglar:

“Success means doing the best we can with what we have. Success is the doing, not the getting; in the trying, not the triumph. Success is a personal standard, reaching for the highest that is in us, becoming all that we can be.” 

Making a Difference

Click link above to support this video ministry as well as support for those helping innocent children trapped in the sex trade world wide.

Christine Caine's fight with the A21 Campaign.

The A21 Campaign is comprised of individuals, organizations, government officials, and people like you who are committed to abolishing injustice in the 21st century. Our goal is to raise awareness, take legal action where appropriate, and offer rehabilitation services to rescued victims of human trafficking in order to fight this injustice from a comprehensive approach. Additionally, we want to branch out to address this issue from a preventative standpoint, aiming to cripple the human trafficking trade so there are fewer victims that need to be rescued.

Personal Development = Serving

I believe a key for business or ministry marketing success online is the ability to learn to serve in the humble circumstances of where you are now, at this moment!

You have to be faithful to "sow into your gifting" now, as Success and Spiritual Coach Dani Johnson teaches in her Spirit Driven Success Series. You invest in yourself, step up, and give it your best shot acting like the business or ministry you have now is the one of your dreams!

That means no whining, no blaming, no complaining and no excuses.You put away envy and give it your best shot, as if the big business or ministry is already there!

You grow where you are planted!

For example, if you can interact with people where you are now, and learn to understand their needs, interests, strengths, and goals, you will be far more successful in introducing them to what you have to offer with your ministry or business, than being an pushy spammy sales fish splashing water in their face.

If you can work on understanding people and focusing on helping them first, you will go far in life.

No miracle marketing wonders will help attain the best until you invest the time to gain skills in dealing with other people, yourself, and those close to you.

To gain these personal development skills is as simple as turning off the television and opening your mind to incredible resources from books, to CD's, DVD's, Webinars, Conference calls, and even special seminars.

Three Simple Steps To Personal Development

Here are three simple steps for you to begin as you learn how to enhance your skills with powerful resources on personal development available today for your own business or ministry marketing success online:

  • Read!

    The resources in the form of books to read are unlimited. Of course, there's no greater book on wisdom, strategy, business or ministry than the Bible.

    Here are some others that are well worth recommending:

    "How To Win Friends And Influence People" by Dale Carengie

    "The Everyday Visionary" by Jesse Duplantis

    "My Utmost For His Highest" by Oswald Chambers

    "Spirit Driven Success" by Dani Johnson

    "Top Performance: How to Develop Excellence in Yourself and Others" by Zig Ziglar

    That list could go on. For more ideas, check the Market Research page by clicking here or on the tab on the left side.

    Bottom line, time spent reading is time spent investing in your business or ministry marketing success online!

  • Learn from the best!

    Your level of income often reflects your level of personal development.

    Learn from those who are already successful in the areas you want to excel. If it's Christian music, check out some of the legends who've been at this industry for years and keep moving forward!

    Michael W. Smith, Amy Grant, Steven Curtis Chapman,Casting Crowns, Third Day are just a few who come to mind who have been successful over a long period of time. They have tremendous skills, and not just musical talent, but also excellent relational skills.

    Maybe you'd like to have a ministry like Joel Osteen, Christine Caine, Kenneth Copeland, Rod Parsley, Joyce Meyer, Paula White, Ron Bateman or Jesse Duplantis.

    Watch, study, and listen. The men listed above have learned to operate their personal and ministry lives by the principles of God. They give and give….and sow and sow….And yes they reap and reap too. They serve, preach, and minister with a spirit of excellence in everything!

    Any top businessman or minister, who has had business or ministry marketing success online, has spent the time and even money, by investing in their personal life, from their relationship with God to their relationships with others.

Invest to gain skills

    One of the best investments you could make, not only for your business career, but also personally, would be to see Success Coach and trainer Dani Johnson. I can think of no greater coach when it comes to personal development.

    I personally have attended two of her "First Steps To Success" Seminars that have had a tremendous impact on my personal development and helped improve my business.

    I believe she is anointed and God has raised her up for such a time as this. The foundation of her teachings and principles are based on the Word of God.

    In addition, you won't hear anything from Dani that she hasn't personally used or done herself. Her track record of wealth is well documented. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands she and her husband give yearly to powerful Christian ministries.

    Dani walks the talk!

    Her clients include not only successful business people, but also producers, actors, artists, Christian musicians...and even a Rocket Scientist!

    She has paved the way with her spirit of excellence in leading others to business or ministry marketing success online and in home based businesses.

    Obviously, the list of what you can do to improve your personal development and ministry marketing success online could continue.

    The bottom line is this question: "What are you going to do today to be a better reflection of Christ down the road in your business or ministry?"

    Finding the answer is finding the #1 key for business or ministry marketing success online!

    “The foundation stones for a balanced success are honesty, character, integrity, faith, love and loyalty.” Zig Ziglar

    Ministry Marketing Training

    The video and plan of action here is part of a special ministry marketing video series I am doing.

    To view all 20 of these market plan videos concerning keys to success online with your ministry or business market plan, simply click on the link below.

    In addition, you will receive a search tool bar to help raise money for your ministry or business and given an option to support a non-profit ministry like we do here with the A21 Campaign.

    Click here to learn more about the video series and the search engine tool to help you generate extra provision.

    Yes, I Want The Ministry Marketing Videos and Free Search Tool Bar!

    You can find business or ministry marketing success online!

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