Some thoughts as you look to a this new year...
I ride a motorcycle..Harley Davidson (grin).
One rule for successful riding is you keep your
head up at all times. You do not look to the
right or left, or at the bumps and holes in the
the road, just look straight ahead.
You go where you look. So I was taught
to "look through my turns", look where I
want to to, and don't look at the curb
or ditch!
As I was praying this morning, I felt like
that is going to be a key for you to win in
2010. Whatever win means to you....getting
out of debt, seeing a relationship restored, having
provision for your destiny, seeing your book published
or your band signed to a major contract......
The key for you, will be to keep your
head up and your eyes fixed on God.
Hebrews 12:1-2: "....looking away (from all that
will distract) to Jesus, who is the leader and the
source of our faith (giving the first incentive for our
belief) and is also the finisher (bringing it to
maturity and perfection)...(vs 2 AMPLIFIED)
Another key has to do with sowing, investing.
Aside from the obvious blessing and principle
of sowing financially (and with your time) into
the Kingdom of God (tithes and offerings), I
also believe this pertains to investing your talents
God has given you to obtain more for the building
of His Kingdom.
The parable of the talents comes to mind (Math. 25:14-29).
I truly am convinced that how we handle our talents
and gifts can determine our harvest.
God is looking for faithfulness with the little to see
if He can bless us with the much.
For example...if you are a Christian singer, do you
sing your heart out for the few...the 20 people at a
local concert, like you would for the 20,000, at a large
Are we thankful for the "few" God has given for us
to minister to, to preach to, to write teach....
Are we thankful for the few before the much?
One other area to consider in all this is how we invest
in our time.
Are we investing in learning a new skill, or refining
one we already have. Are we taking the time and
finances for personal development, for learning more
about God's principles....?
Finally, I am reminded of a phrase that the late Oral
Roberts was known for saying! ( I grew up watching
him with my parents back in the 70's and 80's...on TV)
Dr. Roberts was know to say "A miracle is either
coming your way or going past you all the time.
Reach out and take it! Do not let it pass by."
So, my friend, I challenge you to look to Jesus, not
our economy. Fix your eyes on Him....Invest, be thankful
and go forward, never looking back.
God's provision for your vision may be coming
to you in a market idea, an opportunity online, an
invitation to speak or sing, or through a previously
unknown association.
Watch for ways God may choose to bring a win win
situation to you in 2010, in due time.
"And let us not grow weary while doing good, for
in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart."
Galations 6:9
"Therefore, humble yourselves under the mighty
Hand of God that He may exalt you in due time."
1 Peter 5:6
Happy New Year!
I'll be in touch. I hope you'll do the same!
Theresa Croft
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
To Know Him
"We spend so much time ashing Him to meet our perceived needs that we miss our real need--to know Him in intimacy and to adore Him in worship. Once that need is met, all others find their proper place!" Chris Tiegreen
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
A Single Mom's Success
A Single Mom’s Guide To Rediscovering Your Dreams And Fulfilling Your Purpose In Life.
Introducing: "A Single Mom's Success", a powerful motivational self help book for single moms by Gloria Montoya,.
This well written book will not only impact single moms, but also moms of all types as Gloria Montoya reveals tips and techniques from her own single mom's successful life story.
Any mom looking to enrich her lifestyle and relationships with her children will be inspired by this book.
You will discover the dreams you thought were lost forever. You'll learn how to overcome fears, doubts and self-defeating thoughts that hinder you. You'll learn to recognize your own divine purpose in life.
This book is written to ignite a fire within your body, mind, and spirit, inspiring you to understand you are made to not only climb mountains, but also to move those mountains in your life that stand in the way of all of your hopes and dreams.
"All of those powerful thoughts in your head are not teasers, but are your destiny, and the purpose that you were made to fulfill."--Gloria Montoya
You are not going to be fed all of the hype in tricks and tips to raising a healthy child, because there is a flood of advice out there on that topic. You will be given the best practical information, advice you can put to use during this moment in time as a single mom.
Gloria is sharing from her own personal experiences as well as the insights and opinions of some lovely single moms.
Most importantly, Gloria is writing to you from a deep and personal place in her heart that is grounded from the heart of God, to reach out and touch your life with hope, peace, and joy.
Your heart and soul will be enriched in a way that only can be explained as the very heart of a loving God for you!
Reviews Of A Single Mom's Success Story
Wow, Gloria - I am very impressed! First, thank you for putting me in your acknowledgments, I didn’t know you did that :-) When I was reading your book I could really feel that it was from you heart, and I just kept reading and reading, it was very "deep" and kept me wanting to read more. I also loved the way you had quotes in the book, those were great.**Lorette
It is such a strange feeling reading about your life's experiences and knowing you from the time you were about, I think, 12 years old. I felt some of myself in your writings and that is something I think a lot of women will get from this reading. Remember, I too was a single mom. I think because you have as your guiding thought to give something back to what you feel, is a special group within our society, that this book is a great release and fulfillment to you.
I also think, because you are trying to be a blessing to others this will be a success for you.**Deb
To see your heart and how you want to reach out and touch ALL moms is so inspiring. Your thoughts are so powerful...From the Father's heart. I can't wait to read your next book! For God has set you apart for such a time as this to write and touch a hurting world with a love that only God can provide! **Theresa
To learn more or to order this book on Amazon, go here! Get your copy today and discover your true destiny as a successful mom!
Introducing: "A Single Mom's Success", a powerful motivational self help book for single moms by Gloria Montoya,.
This well written book will not only impact single moms, but also moms of all types as Gloria Montoya reveals tips and techniques from her own single mom's successful life story.
Any mom looking to enrich her lifestyle and relationships with her children will be inspired by this book.
You will discover the dreams you thought were lost forever. You'll learn how to overcome fears, doubts and self-defeating thoughts that hinder you. You'll learn to recognize your own divine purpose in life.
This book is written to ignite a fire within your body, mind, and spirit, inspiring you to understand you are made to not only climb mountains, but also to move those mountains in your life that stand in the way of all of your hopes and dreams.
"All of those powerful thoughts in your head are not teasers, but are your destiny, and the purpose that you were made to fulfill."--Gloria Montoya
You are not going to be fed all of the hype in tricks and tips to raising a healthy child, because there is a flood of advice out there on that topic. You will be given the best practical information, advice you can put to use during this moment in time as a single mom.
Gloria is sharing from her own personal experiences as well as the insights and opinions of some lovely single moms.
Most importantly, Gloria is writing to you from a deep and personal place in her heart that is grounded from the heart of God, to reach out and touch your life with hope, peace, and joy.
Your heart and soul will be enriched in a way that only can be explained as the very heart of a loving God for you!
Reviews Of A Single Mom's Success Story
Wow, Gloria - I am very impressed! First, thank you for putting me in your acknowledgments, I didn’t know you did that :-) When I was reading your book I could really feel that it was from you heart, and I just kept reading and reading, it was very "deep" and kept me wanting to read more. I also loved the way you had quotes in the book, those were great.**Lorette
It is such a strange feeling reading about your life's experiences and knowing you from the time you were about, I think, 12 years old. I felt some of myself in your writings and that is something I think a lot of women will get from this reading. Remember, I too was a single mom. I think because you have as your guiding thought to give something back to what you feel, is a special group within our society, that this book is a great release and fulfillment to you.
I also think, because you are trying to be a blessing to others this will be a success for you.**Deb
To see your heart and how you want to reach out and touch ALL moms is so inspiring. Your thoughts are so powerful...From the Father's heart. I can't wait to read your next book! For God has set you apart for such a time as this to write and touch a hurting world with a love that only God can provide! **Theresa
To learn more or to order this book on Amazon, go here! Get your copy today and discover your true destiny as a successful mom!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Stephen Pierce rocked in Mike's 7 F Secrets launch. Get his book!INSTANT access
Ministry Marketing Online Today - You Can Do This Ministry Marketing online today to help you make money online so you can have provision for your vision. Free book from Stephen Pierce shows you how.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
My interview with Stephen Pierce ("guru to the guru's") for ministry marketing that works.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Atlanta Work At Home Moms - I Couldn't Believe It Atlanta work at home moms take advantage of free e-book from World's #1 Internet Wealth Advocate, Stephen Pierce, to find ways to make money at home online. Pierce's book, Make REal Money On The Internet is available free here.
My friend's Mike and Frank always bring valeu!
Check vid:"Homeless for Christmas?" NOT" Will give you hope!!
Check vid:"Homeless for Christmas?" NOT" Will give you hope!!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Atlanta Work From Home Moms - Learning Marketing Secrets Atlanta work from home moms take advantage of free e-book from World's #1 Internet Wealth Advocate, Stephen Pierce, to find ways to make money at home online.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Stay At Home Moms Find Internet Home Based Business Stay at home moms discover 4 strategies for internet home based business making money online to gain momentum.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Learned about the spirit of excellence to serve others from @stephen_pierce past 2 days. Thanks bro!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Work At Home Moms - Final Marketing Step To Success Work at home moms discover secrets to an email marketing system to make money online now, use email marketing tools, and help others earn extra money online.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Georgia Work At Home Moms - Success Online! Georgia Work at home moms making money with blogs is covered in the 5th of the Six Market Plan Steps for online success.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Work From Home Moms -A Real Success Story Work from home moms making money from the green living trend with a computer work from home opportunity to learn how to earn extra income.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Legitimate Home Based Business Online - Scam Buster Six steps to discover a legitimate home based business so you can have a market plan to make money online or start your own internet business as you work at home.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Real Work From Home - Can This Be True? Discover real work from home with a legitimate work from home job as you discover keys and wisdom to make it successful.
Work From Home Moms - A Real Success Story! Work from home moms can find a real way to earn extra income and make money online with legitimate home based business.
Monday, November 23, 2009
What is your go in life? What is your passion behind you business or ministry marketing? Where do you feel the tug on your heart to be broken bread and poured out wine in service to others?
What is your go? The question might sounds strange, but it's based on the scripture where Jesus tells His disciples,
"All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father,
the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you, and lo,
I am with you always, to the close of the age."
This past Sunday at my church a young couple was being blessed and sent out to start a new church.
It was powerful to hear the testimony of this couple in how God used circumstances, gifting, and passions to get the couple on the same
page of knowing...the time to start this church was NOW.
The pastor went on to share with us more amazing stories of Christians who heard that same voice, left comfortable jobs and circumstances to answer that call of "go."
Then he briefly pointed out what stops us from going in that directions we know God is calling.
One word holds us up.
I connected with this because I have experienced the terrible bondage of fear and how it can paralyze your faith.
"Fear tolerated is faith contaminated." (Copeland)
Three kind of fear can stare us in the face as we consider the go God has called us to:
Fear of what other people will think.
Fear of failure.
Fear of change.
What I have discovered though is that by making a
decision to go in the direction God calls, He is there
every step of the way to help you conquer your fear.
But you have to make the first step.
What is He calling you to do?
What is that still small voice telling you to do to stretch your faith?
You can do it. Even if you have failure, missed steps along the way, something amazing happens. You break the mold of fear and step out, like a butterfly, into the reality of being you. Free to be you. The you God called you to!
As Smith Wigglesworth wrote: "The power of God will take you out of your own plans and put you into the plans of God."
And that is the ultimate go. Walking out your true destinythat God has equipped you for to be a light in a darkworld, hope to the brokenhearted, and a vessel to serve others.
Following the go of your heart brings the richest fulfillment.
It's your divine destiny.
What desires of your heart are you waiting to see fulfilled? What "go" is God calling you to.
Write the plan down. Focus on the Word. Pray. Listen.
Seek or look for it. Look for ways to help people. That's really what the Body Of Christ is for.....
And finally, fear not! Obey. Stop the fear of tomorrow, and money and what other people will say.
Perfect love casts out fear.
When you begin to walk out this "go" in your life, you will be changed!
This video is step three to the Six Market Plan
steps for a minsitry or business. It's part of my
go: Connecting ministries, ministers, and
Christians to the internet. To teach, encourage,
and inspire Christians to harness the power of
the internet for promotion and profit so as to
minister and give to others ministering the good
news of Jesus..
The video can be viewed here:
What is your go? The question might sounds strange, but it's based on the scripture where Jesus tells His disciples,
"All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father,
the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you, and lo,
I am with you always, to the close of the age."
This past Sunday at my church a young couple was being blessed and sent out to start a new church.
It was powerful to hear the testimony of this couple in how God used circumstances, gifting, and passions to get the couple on the same
page of knowing...the time to start this church was NOW.
The pastor went on to share with us more amazing stories of Christians who heard that same voice, left comfortable jobs and circumstances to answer that call of "go."
Then he briefly pointed out what stops us from going in that directions we know God is calling.
One word holds us up.
I connected with this because I have experienced the terrible bondage of fear and how it can paralyze your faith.
"Fear tolerated is faith contaminated." (Copeland)
Three kind of fear can stare us in the face as we consider the go God has called us to:
Fear of what other people will think.
Fear of failure.
Fear of change.
What I have discovered though is that by making a
decision to go in the direction God calls, He is there
every step of the way to help you conquer your fear.
But you have to make the first step.
What is He calling you to do?
What is that still small voice telling you to do to stretch your faith?
You can do it. Even if you have failure, missed steps along the way, something amazing happens. You break the mold of fear and step out, like a butterfly, into the reality of being you. Free to be you. The you God called you to!
As Smith Wigglesworth wrote: "The power of God will take you out of your own plans and put you into the plans of God."
And that is the ultimate go. Walking out your true destinythat God has equipped you for to be a light in a darkworld, hope to the brokenhearted, and a vessel to serve others.
Following the go of your heart brings the richest fulfillment.
It's your divine destiny.
What desires of your heart are you waiting to see fulfilled? What "go" is God calling you to.
Write the plan down. Focus on the Word. Pray. Listen.
Seek or look for it. Look for ways to help people. That's really what the Body Of Christ is for.....
And finally, fear not! Obey. Stop the fear of tomorrow, and money and what other people will say.
Perfect love casts out fear.
When you begin to walk out this "go" in your life, you will be changed!
This video is step three to the Six Market Plan
steps for a minsitry or business. It's part of my
go: Connecting ministries, ministers, and
Christians to the internet. To teach, encourage,
and inspire Christians to harness the power of
the internet for promotion and profit so as to
minister and give to others ministering the good
news of Jesus..
The video can be viewed here:
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Acai Berry - How My Health Improved a testimony to the health benefits of acai berry juice, acai berry drinks and other powerful antioxidant drinks.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Six Market Plan Steps: Who Is Your Target Market
Step 2 of the Six Market Plan steps covers the key question of knowing who is your target market.
If you want to present your information, products, or ministry online to people, you have to narrow it down to WHO you really want to reach.
This is a cornerstone to your ministry marketing plan using the power of the internet to promote your Christian music, or ministry online, as well as targeting the audience for which you desire to minister.
Check out the following video to help you discover just who is your target audience:
How Do You Find Your Target Market?
The best thing to do is to take out a piece of paper and ask yourself some questions. Such as, are they male, female? What religion are they? Where do they live? What's the age bracket your are trying to reach? How much money do they make?
You can discover your target market by exploring these factors:
* What Do They Want?
What do you have in a service, ministry, or product that will impact someone's life, change their life for the better.
* What Are Their Unique Problems?
For example, I have other market products where I try to help those who struggle with panic attacks and find a solution to help stop them.
I'm a former pro golfer so I love the market field of golf. I have a number of video series and products to help golfers have a better swing, putt better, or just basically lower their golf scores.
You get the idea. Find out what specific problem people in your focus group have and find the best solution for it. It's important to note that sometimes your target audience may not be looking for a problem solver but a "luxury item".
* What Do Your Target Clients Currently Purchase?
Find the things your target market buys frequently that is specific to your market, or your service, ministry etc.
* What Can You Exclude From Your Market
Do they only speak Spanish? Only live in the United States? The more you can figure out the targeted persons that can be excluded the easier you will be to market to your targeted group.
* Where Do They Go Online?
Your target market is probably online already. Where do they spend their time specific to your ministry or product? You need to go where they are already to find ways to attract them to your site.
You can find them where they read or participate in:
E-mail Campaings
* Who Are Your Competitors?
Who are the major players in your particular ministry or market?What do they offer and how? What specific products or services to they sell easily? Who has top rankings? Who pays for adwords? Who and what sites link to?
These are important questions to answer. If you can answer them with the most specific details and know how your competition is successful in your market, then you can do the same or improve on what they are doing.
For another market plan step, check out the video here:
If you want to present your information, products, or ministry online to people, you have to narrow it down to WHO you really want to reach.
This is a cornerstone to your ministry marketing plan using the power of the internet to promote your Christian music, or ministry online, as well as targeting the audience for which you desire to minister.
Check out the following video to help you discover just who is your target audience:
How Do You Find Your Target Market?
The best thing to do is to take out a piece of paper and ask yourself some questions. Such as, are they male, female? What religion are they? Where do they live? What's the age bracket your are trying to reach? How much money do they make?
You can discover your target market by exploring these factors:
* What Do They Want?
What do you have in a service, ministry, or product that will impact someone's life, change their life for the better.
* What Are Their Unique Problems?
For example, I have other market products where I try to help those who struggle with panic attacks and find a solution to help stop them.
I'm a former pro golfer so I love the market field of golf. I have a number of video series and products to help golfers have a better swing, putt better, or just basically lower their golf scores.
You get the idea. Find out what specific problem people in your focus group have and find the best solution for it. It's important to note that sometimes your target audience may not be looking for a problem solver but a "luxury item".
* What Do Your Target Clients Currently Purchase?
Find the things your target market buys frequently that is specific to your market, or your service, ministry etc.
* What Can You Exclude From Your Market
Do they only speak Spanish? Only live in the United States? The more you can figure out the targeted persons that can be excluded the easier you will be to market to your targeted group.
* Where Do They Go Online?
Your target market is probably online already. Where do they spend their time specific to your ministry or product? You need to go where they are already to find ways to attract them to your site.
You can find them where they read or participate in:
E-mail Campaings
* Who Are Your Competitors?
Who are the major players in your particular ministry or market?What do they offer and how? What specific products or services to they sell easily? Who has top rankings? Who pays for adwords? Who and what sites link to?
These are important questions to answer. If you can answer them with the most specific details and know how your competition is successful in your market, then you can do the same or improve on what they are doing.
For another market plan step, check out the video here:
Friday, November 13, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Saturday, November 7, 2009
JEFF KINNEY Explains Writing “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” Check out my son Will's blog
Monday, November 2, 2009
This is an amazing energy drink. Just one ounce has more than 120 vitamins!Loaded with antioxidants too. Check it!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Updated home page to more clearly express the passion I have to see you succeed, be free...
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Hearing From God....
God so longs for us to become part of the natural rhyme of our lives. He wants us to get to the point where we always seek His wisdom, grace and His gifts.
He also wants us to develop the habit of just thanking Him for being with us and showering us with His love. To thank Him for the gift of grace operating in us by His Spirit.
As we become more confident of God's presence in our lives, we are more likely to pause and pray for His wisdom, strategies, and strength to deal with difficult circumstances. As we do that, we become more comfortable listening to Him and acting on His promptings.
Do you long to hear from God? Practice listening to Him!
He is there to guide you lovingly through the little things that annoy you. As you turn to listen and act in love concerning those little things ("the little foxes, that spoil the vines") that get on your nerves, you position yourself to hear Him even louder with the big things.
God can raise you up, even amidst a major upheaval, and use you to minister to those around you.
The best way to improve your ability to hear from God is to listen to HIM through the mundane, day in and day out activities of life.
Today, whether things are going great for you or you feel like you are in a pit, you can still face many opportunities to seek out and follow HIS leading.
The more you turn to God, the better you will be able to hear His soft still voice.
For more encouraging words in the midst of walking out your vision, visit:
He also wants us to develop the habit of just thanking Him for being with us and showering us with His love. To thank Him for the gift of grace operating in us by His Spirit.
As we become more confident of God's presence in our lives, we are more likely to pause and pray for His wisdom, strategies, and strength to deal with difficult circumstances. As we do that, we become more comfortable listening to Him and acting on His promptings.
Do you long to hear from God? Practice listening to Him!
He is there to guide you lovingly through the little things that annoy you. As you turn to listen and act in love concerning those little things ("the little foxes, that spoil the vines") that get on your nerves, you position yourself to hear Him even louder with the big things.
God can raise you up, even amidst a major upheaval, and use you to minister to those around you.
The best way to improve your ability to hear from God is to listen to HIM through the mundane, day in and day out activities of life.
Today, whether things are going great for you or you feel like you are in a pit, you can still face many opportunities to seek out and follow HIS leading.
The more you turn to God, the better you will be able to hear His soft still voice.
For more encouraging words in the midst of walking out your vision, visit:
Friday, October 16, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Home Based Business ? 5 Steps To A Successful Home Based Business
Have you been thinking about starting a home based business?
When I retired from radio, I knew I wanted to do something that matched my passion, a business, that I could do from home.
Here are five steps for you to keep in mind when creating or maintaining a successful home based business.
* 1. You need to treat your home based business like any other job, you must be professional. You should treat this just like any other job, get a separate bank account for your business, get a telephone line and/or email specifically for your home business.
You will not want to mix too much of your personal life space in with your business. Get a separate room from the rest of your house for your business and set specific work hours. You have the freedom to work when you want and for how long but you should treat it like a structured goal, if you want your business to be successful. I realize this might be a challenge for stay at home moms. Do what you can. I know I changed a bedroom into an office one time just so I had that separation.
* 2. As I said above, set business hours for your home based business. You need to set a strict business schedule that works with you, and you need to follow it. You should not start working and take breaks to go to the store or watch a movie. If you set a good schedule that works for you follow it, work during the work time and then take breaks. This also means you need to leave your "e-mail checking" alone. Nothing crashes my schedule more than when I check my e-mail and forget the task at hand.
Set goals for projects that need to be completed. Do the things that make you profit.... Dani Johnson has a great break down of this in her training. Spend 80% of the time doing that which brings in the money. 19% to training and 1% to problem solving!
* 3. Self-discipline is very important when creating or maintaining a successful home based business. Starting and maintaining a successful home business is hard work and is not something to take lightly. You will need to have the self-discipline to work hard, even harder than when you are working for a company, and work long hours, longer than most jobs you have worked.
If you work hard, long hours and have great self-discipline you will start to get a good home business. Once this occurs you can lighten off yourself a little bit and start to really enjoy the freedoms of having a home based business. It may take a little time for this to occur though.
Once you learn and incorporate the skills to make money for your business, ( you'll have time to stretch and grow in other areas.
* 4. Just like in any other business, advertising is one key. When you create a home business no one will know who you are. You need to advertise through internet banner ads, print media, and internet forums, whatever it takes. Pay per click advertising is another great form of advertising as you get paid for it and it helps promote your business.
You can also go the route of social media marketing which takes less money but more time. Check out the Six Market Plan Steps I wrote about and created videos for great ideas in this area, especially step three. (
* 5. If you want customers to be able to trust you than you must maintain your integrity. If you maintain your integrity you will win the trust of the customers and they will begin to buy your product or service. Once this occurs the customers will begin to help you by spreading the word of your company and the good product/service you are selling.
Nothing beats serving others. Nothing beats creating a positive and honest brand about who you really are.
Starting and maintaining a successful home based business is a hard thing to do. Once you have created a successful one, though, it is all worth it. These five steps should help you along the way to meeting your goals and doing something you are proud of, a successful home based business.
When I retired from radio, I knew I wanted to do something that matched my passion, a business, that I could do from home.
Here are five steps for you to keep in mind when creating or maintaining a successful home based business.
* 1. You need to treat your home based business like any other job, you must be professional. You should treat this just like any other job, get a separate bank account for your business, get a telephone line and/or email specifically for your home business.
You will not want to mix too much of your personal life space in with your business. Get a separate room from the rest of your house for your business and set specific work hours. You have the freedom to work when you want and for how long but you should treat it like a structured goal, if you want your business to be successful. I realize this might be a challenge for stay at home moms. Do what you can. I know I changed a bedroom into an office one time just so I had that separation.
* 2. As I said above, set business hours for your home based business. You need to set a strict business schedule that works with you, and you need to follow it. You should not start working and take breaks to go to the store or watch a movie. If you set a good schedule that works for you follow it, work during the work time and then take breaks. This also means you need to leave your "e-mail checking" alone. Nothing crashes my schedule more than when I check my e-mail and forget the task at hand.
Set goals for projects that need to be completed. Do the things that make you profit.... Dani Johnson has a great break down of this in her training. Spend 80% of the time doing that which brings in the money. 19% to training and 1% to problem solving!
* 3. Self-discipline is very important when creating or maintaining a successful home based business. Starting and maintaining a successful home business is hard work and is not something to take lightly. You will need to have the self-discipline to work hard, even harder than when you are working for a company, and work long hours, longer than most jobs you have worked.
If you work hard, long hours and have great self-discipline you will start to get a good home business. Once this occurs you can lighten off yourself a little bit and start to really enjoy the freedoms of having a home based business. It may take a little time for this to occur though.
Once you learn and incorporate the skills to make money for your business, ( you'll have time to stretch and grow in other areas.
* 4. Just like in any other business, advertising is one key. When you create a home business no one will know who you are. You need to advertise through internet banner ads, print media, and internet forums, whatever it takes. Pay per click advertising is another great form of advertising as you get paid for it and it helps promote your business.
You can also go the route of social media marketing which takes less money but more time. Check out the Six Market Plan Steps I wrote about and created videos for great ideas in this area, especially step three. (
* 5. If you want customers to be able to trust you than you must maintain your integrity. If you maintain your integrity you will win the trust of the customers and they will begin to buy your product or service. Once this occurs the customers will begin to help you by spreading the word of your company and the good product/service you are selling.
Nothing beats serving others. Nothing beats creating a positive and honest brand about who you really are.
Starting and maintaining a successful home based business is a hard thing to do. Once you have created a successful one, though, it is all worth it. These five steps should help you along the way to meeting your goals and doing something you are proud of, a successful home based business.
Monday, October 12, 2009 They sure watch what you do. My techie 7 year old looking kewl while playing webkinz.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Freedom To Serve Today
The passion of my heart is to see you free to serve God.
For some, that may mean financial freedom while others may need a physical or spiritual healing to be free to go in the direction of their divine destiny.
Today we have an incredible opportunity to make a mark in our generation in excellence. Yes, the economy may be failing but no reason why you can't flourish. Some may be trying to survive, but you can thrive.
The question does not lie in the state of the economy but the state of mind a believer has. Believing the promises of God is a great place to start.
One of my favorite verses in light of having provision for the vision comes from Deuteronomy:
"But you shall [earnestly] remember the Lord your God, for it is He Who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day."Deuteronomy 8:17-18 AMP
Notice, it doesn't say God gives you wealth, but He gives you the POWER to gain wealth. That means He gives us the very power we need to be free to serve Him!
That means work. That means walking by faith.
You may have to "work your faith" by standing on the Word for your healing. You may have to "work your plan-job-vision" to be in a place to reap financial benefits to help you be free to serve.
As you pay attention to God's Word, He can give you the strategies to profit. Listen. Read. Pay attention to the Holy Spirit.
God can bring you before the right people at the right time to bring favor in your situation. Look at Nehemiah. He had a vision of re-building the walls of Jerusalem and God brought him before the person, the king, who could provide for that plan.
So, do what you know to do today. Pray. Ask God for wisdom on how to accomplish the plan you have to touch the world for Jesus Christ.
Activate your faith to trust Him for open doors and favor. Look to Him in trust that He can give you ideas, innovations, and strategies so you can be free to serve him.
Be faithful with with the small things He may give you, or small beginnings of the fulfillment of your dreams. "Who [with reason] despises the day of small things?" (Zechariah 4:10)
First, do what you know to do—work and give.
Then pray. Ask God for wisdom. Use your faith to trust God to open doors for you and to give you favor. Trust Him to give you ideas, strategies, and innovations. Be faithful with everything God gives you starting with the small things and moving on to bigger and bigger things.
You want to impact the world with your gift of Christian music? Start with impacting your community first.
Do you desire to preach to the nations? Be faithful with the small congregations He gives you now.
If you will seek first God, and put the Kingdom of God first...If you will dare to obey Him and give, and give, serving others first....."If you will reject covetousness and embrace generosity, then God says that He will teach you to profit and that your peace and prosperity will be like a flowing river!"
How Do You Need To Be Free To Serve?
Physical Healing:
Having a quality of life that includes a healthy body is a true gift and blessing. I realize many reading this may be suffering pains and illnesses of all kinds.
It goes without saying that we can go to the Word, to Jesus, and find healing.
With that being said, we are also called to be faithful to take care of our temples.
In the coming months, I will share links to share ideas, products, and health information to see you on your way to a healthy mind and body so you can be free to serve God.
Financial Freedom To Serve
One of the thrusts of this websites mission is to help you find real ways to be free financially.
Can you find successful ways to make money online without being scammed?
Can you take daily steps to work at home with a plan that can bring success?
Can you find someone to trust to help you?
Can you really experience success?
The answer is yes!
As my mentor Stephen Pierce has said, "The invisible forces of all success = focused thought, purposeful actions, priorities."
And as another mentor of mine, Dani Johnson, has said: "The marketplace pays for value. Your value is your skills."
With that being said, check out this free webinar!
In this special "Instant Replay" of the 88 min webinar presentation by Stephen Pierce, you will learn...
* The 3 steps to igniting your income.
* 3 rules for making infinite internet income.
* How to add $10,000 a month to your income in the next 90 days.
* 5 proven profitable methods for making more money from the internet.
* 8 of the hottest markets to cash in on immediately.
Let Stephen show you real steps to help you learn marketing steps to your financial freedom!
Spiritual Freedom: The Begining
If you have come across this site and do not know if you are rally free spiritually, may I encourage you to seek Jesus.
He is a God of saving not scolding.
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9
Here are some other truths to free you spiritually:
"God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16
"God our Savior… desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth." 1 Timothy 2:3-4
And finally,
"If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9
The bottom line is this: You can be free to serve Him!
For some, that may mean financial freedom while others may need a physical or spiritual healing to be free to go in the direction of their divine destiny.
Today we have an incredible opportunity to make a mark in our generation in excellence. Yes, the economy may be failing but no reason why you can't flourish. Some may be trying to survive, but you can thrive.
The question does not lie in the state of the economy but the state of mind a believer has. Believing the promises of God is a great place to start.
One of my favorite verses in light of having provision for the vision comes from Deuteronomy:
"But you shall [earnestly] remember the Lord your God, for it is He Who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day."Deuteronomy 8:17-18 AMP
Notice, it doesn't say God gives you wealth, but He gives you the POWER to gain wealth. That means He gives us the very power we need to be free to serve Him!
That means work. That means walking by faith.
You may have to "work your faith" by standing on the Word for your healing. You may have to "work your plan-job-vision" to be in a place to reap financial benefits to help you be free to serve.
As you pay attention to God's Word, He can give you the strategies to profit. Listen. Read. Pay attention to the Holy Spirit.
God can bring you before the right people at the right time to bring favor in your situation. Look at Nehemiah. He had a vision of re-building the walls of Jerusalem and God brought him before the person, the king, who could provide for that plan.
So, do what you know to do today. Pray. Ask God for wisdom on how to accomplish the plan you have to touch the world for Jesus Christ.
Activate your faith to trust Him for open doors and favor. Look to Him in trust that He can give you ideas, innovations, and strategies so you can be free to serve him.
Be faithful with with the small things He may give you, or small beginnings of the fulfillment of your dreams. "Who [with reason] despises the day of small things?" (Zechariah 4:10)
First, do what you know to do—work and give.
Then pray. Ask God for wisdom. Use your faith to trust God to open doors for you and to give you favor. Trust Him to give you ideas, strategies, and innovations. Be faithful with everything God gives you starting with the small things and moving on to bigger and bigger things.
You want to impact the world with your gift of Christian music? Start with impacting your community first.
Do you desire to preach to the nations? Be faithful with the small congregations He gives you now.
If you will seek first God, and put the Kingdom of God first...If you will dare to obey Him and give, and give, serving others first....."If you will reject covetousness and embrace generosity, then God says that He will teach you to profit and that your peace and prosperity will be like a flowing river!"
How Do You Need To Be Free To Serve?
Physical Healing:
Having a quality of life that includes a healthy body is a true gift and blessing. I realize many reading this may be suffering pains and illnesses of all kinds.
It goes without saying that we can go to the Word, to Jesus, and find healing.
With that being said, we are also called to be faithful to take care of our temples.
In the coming months, I will share links to share ideas, products, and health information to see you on your way to a healthy mind and body so you can be free to serve God.
Financial Freedom To Serve
One of the thrusts of this websites mission is to help you find real ways to be free financially.
Can you find successful ways to make money online without being scammed?
Can you take daily steps to work at home with a plan that can bring success?
Can you find someone to trust to help you?
Can you really experience success?
The answer is yes!
As my mentor Stephen Pierce has said, "The invisible forces of all success = focused thought, purposeful actions, priorities."
And as another mentor of mine, Dani Johnson, has said: "The marketplace pays for value. Your value is your skills."
With that being said, check out this free webinar!
In this special "Instant Replay" of the 88 min webinar presentation by Stephen Pierce, you will learn...
* The 3 steps to igniting your income.
* 3 rules for making infinite internet income.
* How to add $10,000 a month to your income in the next 90 days.
* 5 proven profitable methods for making more money from the internet.
* 8 of the hottest markets to cash in on immediately.
Let Stephen show you real steps to help you learn marketing steps to your financial freedom!
Spiritual Freedom: The Begining
If you have come across this site and do not know if you are rally free spiritually, may I encourage you to seek Jesus.
He is a God of saving not scolding.
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9
Here are some other truths to free you spiritually:
"God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16
"God our Savior… desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth." 1 Timothy 2:3-4
And finally,
"If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9
The bottom line is this: You can be free to serve Him!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
@Alicia_pierce & Got to watch replay of webinar!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
To my fellow ministers and Christians online...Care to get on board? It's The Twitter Fellowship Train...
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Is God Tellling You To Launch Out Into The Deep?
Is God telling you to go from your comfort zone to a new level of faith.
Makes me think of Peter. After Jesus borrowed his boat with His preaching, he told Peter to launch out into the deep.
Peter was probably cold, tired and frustrated. He had just cleaned his nets from a night's worth of fishing and nothing to show for it.
But, he obeyed Jesus. Went to work....Through the net out in faith, faith in Jesus, not in his nets....
What a catch! What a turn around. His blessings brought in others to help him (networking) so they could be blessed. I notice scripture says that after he fell to his knees in adoration to Jesus, he left it all to follow Him. is proof. He was FREE to serve God....That catch of fish which basically broke his net it was so full, had to have brought in some good money...Enough for himself and those who helped him.
So...Peter had to have been FREE to serve HIM..
GET READY Ya'll....Throw your net in faith. Work it. Get your wisdom and strategy from the Lord and the people He may put in your life at just the right time.
It's time for you to be FREE to serve HIM.
It's time for that turn around. This still can be the best year of your life....Even if there are only three months left in the year.
Launching out into the deep in faith in Jesus can bring favor in an instant. What took years to make happen for some, God can bless the work of your hands with favor.
Work. Believe. Tend to your JOB...Just Obey and Believe. God will tend to His JOB...Jesus Over delivering to Believers.
Work your faith even when the water seems cold and unusual. "Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God."
Makes me think of Peter. After Jesus borrowed his boat with His preaching, he told Peter to launch out into the deep.
Peter was probably cold, tired and frustrated. He had just cleaned his nets from a night's worth of fishing and nothing to show for it.
But, he obeyed Jesus. Went to work....Through the net out in faith, faith in Jesus, not in his nets....
What a catch! What a turn around. His blessings brought in others to help him (networking) so they could be blessed. I notice scripture says that after he fell to his knees in adoration to Jesus, he left it all to follow Him. is proof. He was FREE to serve God....That catch of fish which basically broke his net it was so full, had to have brought in some good money...Enough for himself and those who helped him.
So...Peter had to have been FREE to serve HIM..
GET READY Ya'll....Throw your net in faith. Work it. Get your wisdom and strategy from the Lord and the people He may put in your life at just the right time.
It's time for you to be FREE to serve HIM.
It's time for that turn around. This still can be the best year of your life....Even if there are only three months left in the year.
Launching out into the deep in faith in Jesus can bring favor in an instant. What took years to make happen for some, God can bless the work of your hands with favor.
Work. Believe. Tend to your JOB...Just Obey and Believe. God will tend to His JOB...Jesus Over delivering to Believers.
Work your faith even when the water seems cold and unusual. "Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God."
Monday, September 28, 2009 Look! See clouds? "The Lord has His way in the whirlwind and in the storm. The clouds are the dust of His feet."
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Who Is Your Target Market? Step 2 To Six Market Plan Steps...Anyone can do this!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Your Job Today? Just Obey And Believe
What's your job today as you walk through this turbulent time in our world?
A lot has been spoken about jobs lately. From unemployment to lack of jobs amidst today's economy, the news has been bleak.
As I was thinking about all this, a simple acronym came to mind about the word "job":
Just Obey and Believe.
This was what God was speaking to my heart one morning as I spent time in the Word of God pouring my heart over issues brooding in my mind.
Just Obey and Believe.
Later in the day, I asked the question, "What is Jesus' job today?"
The answer came quickly:
Jesus Over delivers to Believers.
Rushing through my mind came thoughts of just how Jesus over delivers with his mercy, grace, hope, strength, love.....
His job was accomplished by His obedience. "He was obedient to the point of death, even death on the cross."(Phil. 2:8)(Hebrews 5:8)
Because of Jesus job being fulfilled by the finished work of the cross, I can walk out my job today in confidence. He will enable me to walk toward my destiny as I take steps to "just obey and believe."
How does this relate to you amidst your struggles and problems you face today?
You may very well be out of a job. You may be facing a terrible crisis, a family falling apart, sickness wearing down your body, bad habits keeping you bound, or finances spinning out of control.
What is your job today amidst your troubled time and how does this relate to your ministry, marketing, business, and pursuit of resources to continue toward your destiny?
Simply enough, obeying God is key. Obeying the Word of God. Obeying His commands.
Loving God with all your heart, spending time with Him in prayer and the Word sure makes the obeying part easier. He also gives us His Spirit as a guide, a counselor and a comfort as we walk in the path of obedience.
As you go to the Word of God more often and obey it, you realize life is much easier simply walking by His principles. I had a wise Bible Study leader during my single years who always proclaimed, "Nothing tastes better the next day than obedience to God." (Thanks Bobbie McCoy!)
Soon enough, as you walk the path of obedience by the Word of God, you realize there is everything that pertains to life...right there in Scripture!
So, as you fear (respect) and delight in His Word, this helps with the second part....the believing. The belief part is the supernatural by-product of digging deep into the Word of God.
You take your problem, your issue, your circumstances and find answers in the Word of God. As you meditate on HIS Word, your mind is renewed. The believing part of this job today is active participation to stop negative thoughts, anxiety, and doubts from entering into your mind. To believe involves mental mapping, as Jesse Duplantis ( explains so well in his book ""Evey Day Visionary". You speak, see, and walk by what the Word says about you, and who you are in Christ.
To believe is action in your "job".
It involves the active work from the vision, to the belief, to working out the solution. That is, working out what you believe, by faith. (And "Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God"!)
For example, you know God is equipping you and anointing you to minister to thousands, or to share your Christian music, or to go forward with your evangelistic, prophetic ministry. You have to actively cancel the negative words or criticism of others. You have to work to not let doubt dominate your thinking and keeping you down in a dormant state. I know sometimes doubt leads to discouragement which the enemy uses to kick you in the tail keeping you down from even trying!
It's time to kick the enemy back and keep him under your feet by you doing your job today!
So, as you work this "job" you are refusing to listen or believe the negative influences, all the while moving forward with productive, effective work. That may mean not watching as much television and reading more.
For example, I am constantly trying to glean from others whether it's spiritual wisdom by watching Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer, Jentezen Franklin, on my I-Phone or marketing advice by listening to mp3s from John Reese, Stephen Pierce, or Jeff Johnson. (Stephen and his wife Alicia ( been an incredible answer to prayer in the past few months with market help that delivers!)
This action to the believing for me also means I use (work) the tools I have with my marketing. That involves tools with everything from my website (, to Blogs, to producing videos,( to proper market research, to eventually producing more valuable content.
The awesome thing is as I work my job today...just obey and believe, Jesus is right there over delivering with His grace, wisdom, strength, strategies...Over delivering as He prepares me for His destiny for my life. This process and fulfillment brings Him glory and can play a role in helping someone else understand his/her "job", of obeying and believing.
One of the many places to discover the final result of doing this job today in your life can be found in Psalm 112.
Check out the end results...the rewards of this "job":
*You will be blessed.
*Your seed shall be blessed from generation to generation.
*You have wealth, riches, and prosperity in every area of your life.
*You have the righteousness of Christ.
*You display grace and compassion in great measure.
*You are kind and gracious to lend and help others.
*Your actions are marked by discretion and wisdom.
*You have amazing confidence and are not easily shaken no matter the bad news on television.
*You are remembered by others.
*You don't fear or have anxiety about evil tidings.
*You have no fear of your enemies.
*You give often to the poor.
*You are given honor.
Jesus does His job and over delivers to believers every time!
I don't know about you but this is one "job" I want to take active part in as I go forward in fulfilling His destiny in my life!
A lot has been spoken about jobs lately. From unemployment to lack of jobs amidst today's economy, the news has been bleak.
As I was thinking about all this, a simple acronym came to mind about the word "job":
Just Obey and Believe.
This was what God was speaking to my heart one morning as I spent time in the Word of God pouring my heart over issues brooding in my mind.
Just Obey and Believe.
Later in the day, I asked the question, "What is Jesus' job today?"
The answer came quickly:
Jesus Over delivers to Believers.
Rushing through my mind came thoughts of just how Jesus over delivers with his mercy, grace, hope, strength, love.....
His job was accomplished by His obedience. "He was obedient to the point of death, even death on the cross."(Phil. 2:8)(Hebrews 5:8)
Because of Jesus job being fulfilled by the finished work of the cross, I can walk out my job today in confidence. He will enable me to walk toward my destiny as I take steps to "just obey and believe."
How does this relate to you amidst your struggles and problems you face today?
You may very well be out of a job. You may be facing a terrible crisis, a family falling apart, sickness wearing down your body, bad habits keeping you bound, or finances spinning out of control.
What is your job today amidst your troubled time and how does this relate to your ministry, marketing, business, and pursuit of resources to continue toward your destiny?
Simply enough, obeying God is key. Obeying the Word of God. Obeying His commands.
Loving God with all your heart, spending time with Him in prayer and the Word sure makes the obeying part easier. He also gives us His Spirit as a guide, a counselor and a comfort as we walk in the path of obedience.
As you go to the Word of God more often and obey it, you realize life is much easier simply walking by His principles. I had a wise Bible Study leader during my single years who always proclaimed, "Nothing tastes better the next day than obedience to God." (Thanks Bobbie McCoy!)
Soon enough, as you walk the path of obedience by the Word of God, you realize there is everything that pertains to life...right there in Scripture!
So, as you fear (respect) and delight in His Word, this helps with the second part....the believing. The belief part is the supernatural by-product of digging deep into the Word of God.
You take your problem, your issue, your circumstances and find answers in the Word of God. As you meditate on HIS Word, your mind is renewed. The believing part of this job today is active participation to stop negative thoughts, anxiety, and doubts from entering into your mind. To believe involves mental mapping, as Jesse Duplantis ( explains so well in his book ""Evey Day Visionary". You speak, see, and walk by what the Word says about you, and who you are in Christ.
To believe is action in your "job".
It involves the active work from the vision, to the belief, to working out the solution. That is, working out what you believe, by faith. (And "Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God"!)
For example, you know God is equipping you and anointing you to minister to thousands, or to share your Christian music, or to go forward with your evangelistic, prophetic ministry. You have to actively cancel the negative words or criticism of others. You have to work to not let doubt dominate your thinking and keeping you down in a dormant state. I know sometimes doubt leads to discouragement which the enemy uses to kick you in the tail keeping you down from even trying!
It's time to kick the enemy back and keep him under your feet by you doing your job today!
So, as you work this "job" you are refusing to listen or believe the negative influences, all the while moving forward with productive, effective work. That may mean not watching as much television and reading more.
For example, I am constantly trying to glean from others whether it's spiritual wisdom by watching Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer, Jentezen Franklin, on my I-Phone or marketing advice by listening to mp3s from John Reese, Stephen Pierce, or Jeff Johnson. (Stephen and his wife Alicia ( been an incredible answer to prayer in the past few months with market help that delivers!)
This action to the believing for me also means I use (work) the tools I have with my marketing. That involves tools with everything from my website (, to Blogs, to producing videos,( to proper market research, to eventually producing more valuable content.
The awesome thing is as I work my job today...just obey and believe, Jesus is right there over delivering with His grace, wisdom, strength, strategies...Over delivering as He prepares me for His destiny for my life. This process and fulfillment brings Him glory and can play a role in helping someone else understand his/her "job", of obeying and believing.
One of the many places to discover the final result of doing this job today in your life can be found in Psalm 112.
Check out the end results...the rewards of this "job":
*You will be blessed.
*Your seed shall be blessed from generation to generation.
*You have wealth, riches, and prosperity in every area of your life.
*You have the righteousness of Christ.
*You display grace and compassion in great measure.
*You are kind and gracious to lend and help others.
*Your actions are marked by discretion and wisdom.
*You have amazing confidence and are not easily shaken no matter the bad news on television.
*You are remembered by others.
*You don't fear or have anxiety about evil tidings.
*You have no fear of your enemies.
*You give often to the poor.
*You are given honor.
Jesus does His job and over delivers to believers every time!
I don't know about you but this is one "job" I want to take active part in as I go forward in fulfilling His destiny in my life!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Six Market Plan Steps For Business Or Ministry Marketing
Are you looking for market plan steps to promote your Christian music or ministry online?
I get e-mails and phone calls often now of sincere Christians looking to go forward in their God given destiny with their gifts and anointing.
As that happens, I feel the urgency to complete my book on how you can take simple market plan steps to begin your ministry marketing on the internet to take advantage of the tremendous amount of exposure and promotion possible in this "new frontier of ministry" online! So here are Six Steps To Your Christian Music, Ministry or Business Plan outlined below on this page. These market plan steps will also be explained more in detail in the corresponding videos that you can find here (and eventually in the new book!)
My heart is to be a vessel to assist you as you look to promote your Christian music, make money for ministry, or simply be financially free to serve God. Now is the time that God is arming His body to minister to so many hurting hearts! Now is the time to take advantage of the internet!
As my Christian Marketing Coach, Stephen Pierce, always says:
"The internet does not require your permission, just your participation...."
The Six Steps To Your Market Plan
So get a pen and paper and write down these six market plan steps. Get ready to watch some videos that will explain each step more in detail.
The great thing about these steps is most of them only require your time and not as much from your wallet.
Step One
WHY? Why do you want to pursue an online marketing plan? Know and write out your purpose, your vision, your mission that explains the purpose of your pursuit. Your ministry marketing plan is only as powerful as your preparation.
Know your reason why!
To learn more about this powerful foundation to the market plan steps, watch this video at
Step 2
WHO? Who is your target audience? Who are you trying to connect with in your particular group in your ministry marketing plan? For example, a Southern Gospel singer will not pursue a contemporary Christian music audience. He'll focus on those who are familiar with the sounds of Southern Gospel Music. Narrow it down to a specific niche.
Step 3
HOW? How are you going to connect with your niche audience? This is one of the pillars to this ministry marketing plan. You can drive a lot of traffic to your main website if you learn this one step. You will need to implement the POWER OF SOCIAL MEDIA:
Sign up and establish your own (free) page at these sites:
a) Facebook
b) Twitter
c) LinkedIn
e) YouTube
f) MySpace
g) ShoutLife, Xianz, or Social Sites)
h) Tango (Christian Video Site)
i) MySpace
This list can go on but the sites above would be a great start for you as you work on these market plan steps. To learn more about using video in marketing and starting out with Twitter, click here and bookmark this page for a free video training course I produced.
Step 4
WHAT? What do you have to add VALUE to your niche market? What information, gift, anointing, music, product do YOU have that can impact a life, help a heart, or change a circumstance around. Remember your clients always have one thought in their mind: "What's in it for me?" Sounds kind of callous but it is a market fact!
In addition, what can you provide for free to develop a list of contacts? Finding the answer to this can to lead a wonderful opportunity to communicate with your potential clients. As you provide value and build trust, they are more likely to purchase from you because they have gotten to know you through your e-mail contact!
So develop your "Free" product first in exchange for their name and e=mail address.
* Things To Give For Free:Blogs--To share your thoughts, your wisdom, your gifts and talents
* E-Book-(On a subject you have a lot of knowledge or steps of improvement, etc)
* Videos
* Webinars
* Music (How about a free download of your latest single?)
To Sell/Offer at a price:
* Your own product(s)
* Affiliate products
* Information products
* Webinars
* DVD's/videos
* Teaching/Speaking engagements
* Performances (musicians)
* Seminars You Lead
Step 5
WHEN? When do you communicate with your niche audience? This is a key and one powerful step to your ministry marketing plan. Find a great auto-responder, a computer program that automatically answers and sends e-mail. I prefer Aweber. As you give away information, you can ask for a name and e-mail first. Before you know it, you have a list that you can communicate with and develop trust. You set the letters up once and the auto-responder sends them out automatically on your set schedule. You can be sleeping at night while your auto-responder works for you communicating with your prospective clients and customers!!
Step 6
WHERE? Where can your target audience find you online? Can they find you? It's not enough just to set up a web site and think people will flock to your site. A good understanding of search engine optimization is a must in any market plan online.
Here are other simple SEO steps to learn:
How To Get High Rankings For FreeGetting
Pay Per Click Strategies
Understanding keywords (free keyword tools) Understanding Google's advanced and extra options
(more seo help check out
These six market plan steps will be a great foundation from which to spring into action for your own ministry marketing plan online to promote your ministry, to promote you!
For more ministry marketing strategies, visit
I get e-mails and phone calls often now of sincere Christians looking to go forward in their God given destiny with their gifts and anointing.
As that happens, I feel the urgency to complete my book on how you can take simple market plan steps to begin your ministry marketing on the internet to take advantage of the tremendous amount of exposure and promotion possible in this "new frontier of ministry" online! So here are Six Steps To Your Christian Music, Ministry or Business Plan outlined below on this page. These market plan steps will also be explained more in detail in the corresponding videos that you can find here (and eventually in the new book!)
My heart is to be a vessel to assist you as you look to promote your Christian music, make money for ministry, or simply be financially free to serve God. Now is the time that God is arming His body to minister to so many hurting hearts! Now is the time to take advantage of the internet!
As my Christian Marketing Coach, Stephen Pierce, always says:
"The internet does not require your permission, just your participation...."
The Six Steps To Your Market Plan
So get a pen and paper and write down these six market plan steps. Get ready to watch some videos that will explain each step more in detail.
The great thing about these steps is most of them only require your time and not as much from your wallet.
Step One
WHY? Why do you want to pursue an online marketing plan? Know and write out your purpose, your vision, your mission that explains the purpose of your pursuit. Your ministry marketing plan is only as powerful as your preparation.
Know your reason why!
To learn more about this powerful foundation to the market plan steps, watch this video at
Step 2
WHO? Who is your target audience? Who are you trying to connect with in your particular group in your ministry marketing plan? For example, a Southern Gospel singer will not pursue a contemporary Christian music audience. He'll focus on those who are familiar with the sounds of Southern Gospel Music. Narrow it down to a specific niche.
Step 3
HOW? How are you going to connect with your niche audience? This is one of the pillars to this ministry marketing plan. You can drive a lot of traffic to your main website if you learn this one step. You will need to implement the POWER OF SOCIAL MEDIA:
Sign up and establish your own (free) page at these sites:
a) Facebook
b) Twitter
c) LinkedIn
e) YouTube
f) MySpace
g) ShoutLife, Xianz, or Social Sites)
h) Tango (Christian Video Site)
i) MySpace
This list can go on but the sites above would be a great start for you as you work on these market plan steps. To learn more about using video in marketing and starting out with Twitter, click here and bookmark this page for a free video training course I produced.
Step 4
WHAT? What do you have to add VALUE to your niche market? What information, gift, anointing, music, product do YOU have that can impact a life, help a heart, or change a circumstance around. Remember your clients always have one thought in their mind: "What's in it for me?" Sounds kind of callous but it is a market fact!
In addition, what can you provide for free to develop a list of contacts? Finding the answer to this can to lead a wonderful opportunity to communicate with your potential clients. As you provide value and build trust, they are more likely to purchase from you because they have gotten to know you through your e-mail contact!
So develop your "Free" product first in exchange for their name and e=mail address.
* Things To Give For Free:Blogs--To share your thoughts, your wisdom, your gifts and talents
* E-Book-(On a subject you have a lot of knowledge or steps of improvement, etc)
* Videos
* Webinars
* Music (How about a free download of your latest single?)
To Sell/Offer at a price:
* Your own product(s)
* Affiliate products
* Information products
* Webinars
* DVD's/videos
* Teaching/Speaking engagements
* Performances (musicians)
* Seminars You Lead
Step 5
WHEN? When do you communicate with your niche audience? This is a key and one powerful step to your ministry marketing plan. Find a great auto-responder, a computer program that automatically answers and sends e-mail. I prefer Aweber. As you give away information, you can ask for a name and e-mail first. Before you know it, you have a list that you can communicate with and develop trust. You set the letters up once and the auto-responder sends them out automatically on your set schedule. You can be sleeping at night while your auto-responder works for you communicating with your prospective clients and customers!!
Step 6
WHERE? Where can your target audience find you online? Can they find you? It's not enough just to set up a web site and think people will flock to your site. A good understanding of search engine optimization is a must in any market plan online.
Here are other simple SEO steps to learn:
How To Get High Rankings For FreeGetting
Pay Per Click Strategies
Understanding keywords (free keyword tools) Understanding Google's advanced and extra options
(more seo help check out
These six market plan steps will be a great foundation from which to spring into action for your own ministry marketing plan online to promote your ministry, to promote you!
For more ministry marketing strategies, visit
Why would you even try to market online? Six Market Plan Steps That YOU Can Do!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Video Ministry: Create Your Own Christian Television
You can start your own video ministrytoday and take advantage of the trend of people watching more Christian online videos, podcasts, or UstreamTV, or
Statistics show that videos on the internet get people's attention. ComScore released a report which shows that Americans watched a record 14.3 billion videos during one single month.
As you might have guessed, Google leads the way in statistics with which accounts for over 41% of overall video views.
So how does this relate to your thoughts on a video ministry or starting your own version of Christian Television?
In a recent article about "E-vangelism" in Charisma Magazine, it reported on the growing number of people reaching out online to receive spiritual help. Here is proof that now, more than ever before, is the time for you to take action with your own video ministry.
One study they wrote about in this article was by the Barna Group. Their study revealed that nearly one in four adults said they downloaded a church podcast in the last week.
David Kinnaman, the lead researcher on this particular study says in essence that:
"Technology presents a newfound opportunity for ministers to evangelize a worldwide audience."
Another prominent voice in this move toward more Christian online videos and ministry is Phil Cooke, president of Cooke Pictures. He says that Christian ministries and media need to be active in engaging a one on one conversation with a generation accustomed to giving their opinions and thoughts on Web sites.
"It's far more than having a fancy Web site and cool grapics, says Cooke, author of BRANDING FAITH, a book about telling powerful stories in a media-dominated culture that changes people's lives inside and out.
"The thing we have to understand is what is the story we are trying to tell. What is the audience that is interested in that story and how do we connect with that audience? Until we understand that, all the other things don't matter,"Cooke states.
So what is God saying to you? You can't use the excuse about not having money. If you have a computer and a web cam, you can have your own video ministry. Now, if you don't have a web cam, I hope you'll have the diligence to save like my friend Rev. Harriet Bradley did, to start her own free video ministry!
You can also see this example with Bishop CD Miller with her Just Jesus website, among other powerful free tools she uses for her video ministry.
Help For Your Video Ministry!
Special limited offer! Receive a free video series with answers to such questions as....
*How Can I get video up to my blog easily
*How Can I stream live video
*Is Video really powerful?
*How do I promote my videos
*Twitter what?
*How can I get high search rankings on Google formy videos and websites
*Can I really start my own videoministry online???
Find out key video secrets for ministry marketing!
For more ministry marketing strategies including social media and video, click here!
Statistics show that videos on the internet get people's attention. ComScore released a report which shows that Americans watched a record 14.3 billion videos during one single month.
As you might have guessed, Google leads the way in statistics with which accounts for over 41% of overall video views.
So how does this relate to your thoughts on a video ministry or starting your own version of Christian Television?
In a recent article about "E-vangelism" in Charisma Magazine, it reported on the growing number of people reaching out online to receive spiritual help. Here is proof that now, more than ever before, is the time for you to take action with your own video ministry.
One study they wrote about in this article was by the Barna Group. Their study revealed that nearly one in four adults said they downloaded a church podcast in the last week.
David Kinnaman, the lead researcher on this particular study says in essence that:
"Technology presents a newfound opportunity for ministers to evangelize a worldwide audience."
Another prominent voice in this move toward more Christian online videos and ministry is Phil Cooke, president of Cooke Pictures. He says that Christian ministries and media need to be active in engaging a one on one conversation with a generation accustomed to giving their opinions and thoughts on Web sites.
"It's far more than having a fancy Web site and cool grapics, says Cooke, author of BRANDING FAITH, a book about telling powerful stories in a media-dominated culture that changes people's lives inside and out.
"The thing we have to understand is what is the story we are trying to tell. What is the audience that is interested in that story and how do we connect with that audience? Until we understand that, all the other things don't matter,"Cooke states.
So what is God saying to you? You can't use the excuse about not having money. If you have a computer and a web cam, you can have your own video ministry. Now, if you don't have a web cam, I hope you'll have the diligence to save like my friend Rev. Harriet Bradley did, to start her own free video ministry!
You can also see this example with Bishop CD Miller with her Just Jesus website, among other powerful free tools she uses for her video ministry.
Help For Your Video Ministry!
Special limited offer! Receive a free video series with answers to such questions as....
*How Can I get video up to my blog easily
*How Can I stream live video
*Is Video really powerful?
*How do I promote my videos
*Twitter what?
*How can I get high search rankings on Google formy videos and websites
*Can I really start my own videoministry online???
Find out key video secrets for ministry marketing!
For more ministry marketing strategies including social media and video, click here!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
From The Vision To The Valley To Victory
The vision you have for your life is crystal clear. You know that you know God has called you for a specific purpose to fulfill. It is a vision that is the essence of your divine destiny.
But somewhere along the way of pursuing the fulfillment of the dream, you fall into the dry valley and experience total defeat and discouragement.
I feel so strongly that this is a message for today and one the enemy does not want shared. This word encompasses the keys to help you make it through today's headlines of financial upheaval in our nation's economy so you can fight your famine. Even as I type, my wireless keyboard stops working.
The little techy squirm bug of the devil is not going to stop this message of hope and victory . So I plug in my USB keyboard and continue!
So here's the scenario. See if you can relate.
You get a vision, an idea, a clear picture of what you know you are assigned to carry out. This vision has your passion coupled together with your God given gifts and anointing. It might be your music, your preaching, your ministry....You know the end result is people's lives being powerfully impacted and changed. You also realize part of the picture involves your own growth in prosperity. Prosperity as defined by:
"...the aptitude to use God's ability and power to meet the needs of mankind-regardless of what those needs may be." (Dr. Jeffrey Burell, Kilough Church By The Lake)
If you are providing a service (ie ministry) or a product (could be your music cd) or information (the Word!) of value, which someone needs, you will be rewarded financial. That's a basic marketing principle.
If you are planting seeds in other people and ministries at the same time in the pursuit of your dream, you will reap a harvest. That's a basic Biblical principle!
But somewhere along the path from the vision you fall flat into the valley of dry bones, a place of famine.
Your finances might be dead, your marriage may be crumbling, your kids in a state of rebellion, or you just heard the bad report from the doctor.
What are the keys to go through the valley of famine to the place of victory in walking out this divine destiny?
Some clues can be found in Ezekiel 37.
In verse one we read how Ezekiel was "set down in the midst of the valley" that contained dry bones. It was a picture of total devastation and death.
In verse 4, God commands Ezekiel to prophesy the Word, to speak life. Part of the definition of prophesying is to speak! From the following verses in Ezekiel we find the keys to unlock the door so you can fight your famine.
The Three Keys Through The Valley To Victory
* Obedience To God's Word
Notice Ezekiel obeyed this command to speak to the dry bones. He didn't whine or ask questions. I can imagine a picture of an exchange that could have taken place:
"Lord! Don't you see these dry dead bones? This is an impossible situation"
"I can't! I don't have the ability to do that. I'm not 'called' to speak to dry bones."
"You want me to do what?"
Any of these phrases sound familiar? I've been there...said one time or another in the past.
Notice though, what happens when Ezekiel obeys and speaks, prophesies, to the bones:
The bones started to rattle, it gets noisy and the bones were put back together.
Obedience brought about a change. Obedience to the Word of God to speak life activated a higher level of God's Spirit into the place of death, desolation and famine, and things were shook up for the better.
If it's noisy in your life right now with discouraging circumstances, desperate feelings, but you are obeying God......
Take heart. Your breakthrough is coming!
* Speak the Word By Faith To Fight Your famine
This is not some name it and claim it mumble jumble. This is one of the most powerful principles of God! It is a pivotal key to your vision. Ezekiel spoke the Word to those dry places. He spoke life and the skeletons went from petrified lifeless bone beings to living flesh and blood! So, find scripture that matches your need in the valley and speak! You may have to tell your checkbook: "The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree..."
Or tell your body, "I am healed by the stripes of Jesus....."
You might feel awkward at first. You may feel stupid. But as Joyce Meyer has said, "Better to feel stupid than be stupid".
For every place of famine, find Scripture that speaks the truth. Call those things that are not as though they were, as it says in Romans 4:17. Spoken words can carry God's anointing and power to break the chains of poverty, to literally heal your body, and to put into action the promises of God's Word into this natural realm, to bring you out and through the valley to victory!
* Remain In Faith
We know from Scripture that faith comes by hearing the Word of God. The Word is the source of the power to cause what it says to come to pass.
Kenneth Hagen once said, " "Faith begins where the will of God is known." You know God's will by His Word, the Bible. If you keep your faith in God's Word, and use it as God intended for you to use it,then the Word will begin the process of bringing you out of the valley.
Remain in faith means staying in church where the Word is preached, stay in connection to God's principles of sowing, andstay in motion walking out what you profess. Jentezen Franklin, an anointed preacher from North Georgia, says you fight your famine by getting back to the Father's house. "God blesses where His reputation is safe," Franklin states.
Like the prodigal son you may have to return to your Father's house. Return from the cesspool of the flesh, of the world's ways,to the fatted calf of provision and robes of glory found in God's path.
Finally, as you go from that vision to the valley, something amazing can happens. God uses the fire of your trials to purify you. Your flesh, doing things in your own strength, gets pruned. Parts of the "old you die, and the new anointed you rises up.
You experience a "suddenly," as in Ezekiel 37:7, where your circumstances start to turn around. You know then that yourjourney from the vision down to the valley is coming up to victory! You go through the famine and come out more blessed.You go from dry empty bones to life full of joy.
God's victory for you amidst the fulfillment of your vision maybe coming as an opportunity, an invitation,a new strategy, or a previously unknown or unidentified association. Remain obedient to His principles, keep speaking the Word in faith, and watch expectantly for the ways which God may choose to deliver the victory to you in His due season.
It may be today!
For more inspiration amidst the valley in going forward to your divine destiny, visit the Ministry Marketing Online Blog.
But somewhere along the way of pursuing the fulfillment of the dream, you fall into the dry valley and experience total defeat and discouragement.
I feel so strongly that this is a message for today and one the enemy does not want shared. This word encompasses the keys to help you make it through today's headlines of financial upheaval in our nation's economy so you can fight your famine. Even as I type, my wireless keyboard stops working.
The little techy squirm bug of the devil is not going to stop this message of hope and victory . So I plug in my USB keyboard and continue!
So here's the scenario. See if you can relate.
You get a vision, an idea, a clear picture of what you know you are assigned to carry out. This vision has your passion coupled together with your God given gifts and anointing. It might be your music, your preaching, your ministry....You know the end result is people's lives being powerfully impacted and changed. You also realize part of the picture involves your own growth in prosperity. Prosperity as defined by:
"...the aptitude to use God's ability and power to meet the needs of mankind-regardless of what those needs may be." (Dr. Jeffrey Burell, Kilough Church By The Lake)
If you are providing a service (ie ministry) or a product (could be your music cd) or information (the Word!) of value, which someone needs, you will be rewarded financial. That's a basic marketing principle.
If you are planting seeds in other people and ministries at the same time in the pursuit of your dream, you will reap a harvest. That's a basic Biblical principle!
But somewhere along the path from the vision you fall flat into the valley of dry bones, a place of famine.
Your finances might be dead, your marriage may be crumbling, your kids in a state of rebellion, or you just heard the bad report from the doctor.
What are the keys to go through the valley of famine to the place of victory in walking out this divine destiny?
Some clues can be found in Ezekiel 37.
In verse one we read how Ezekiel was "set down in the midst of the valley" that contained dry bones. It was a picture of total devastation and death.
In verse 4, God commands Ezekiel to prophesy the Word, to speak life. Part of the definition of prophesying is to speak! From the following verses in Ezekiel we find the keys to unlock the door so you can fight your famine.
The Three Keys Through The Valley To Victory
* Obedience To God's Word
Notice Ezekiel obeyed this command to speak to the dry bones. He didn't whine or ask questions. I can imagine a picture of an exchange that could have taken place:
"Lord! Don't you see these dry dead bones? This is an impossible situation"
"I can't! I don't have the ability to do that. I'm not 'called' to speak to dry bones."
"You want me to do what?"
Any of these phrases sound familiar? I've been there...said one time or another in the past.
Notice though, what happens when Ezekiel obeys and speaks, prophesies, to the bones:
The bones started to rattle, it gets noisy and the bones were put back together.
Obedience brought about a change. Obedience to the Word of God to speak life activated a higher level of God's Spirit into the place of death, desolation and famine, and things were shook up for the better.
If it's noisy in your life right now with discouraging circumstances, desperate feelings, but you are obeying God......
Take heart. Your breakthrough is coming!
* Speak the Word By Faith To Fight Your famine
This is not some name it and claim it mumble jumble. This is one of the most powerful principles of God! It is a pivotal key to your vision. Ezekiel spoke the Word to those dry places. He spoke life and the skeletons went from petrified lifeless bone beings to living flesh and blood! So, find scripture that matches your need in the valley and speak! You may have to tell your checkbook: "The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree..."
Or tell your body, "I am healed by the stripes of Jesus....."
You might feel awkward at first. You may feel stupid. But as Joyce Meyer has said, "Better to feel stupid than be stupid".
For every place of famine, find Scripture that speaks the truth. Call those things that are not as though they were, as it says in Romans 4:17. Spoken words can carry God's anointing and power to break the chains of poverty, to literally heal your body, and to put into action the promises of God's Word into this natural realm, to bring you out and through the valley to victory!
* Remain In Faith
We know from Scripture that faith comes by hearing the Word of God. The Word is the source of the power to cause what it says to come to pass.
Kenneth Hagen once said, " "Faith begins where the will of God is known." You know God's will by His Word, the Bible. If you keep your faith in God's Word, and use it as God intended for you to use it,then the Word will begin the process of bringing you out of the valley.
Remain in faith means staying in church where the Word is preached, stay in connection to God's principles of sowing, andstay in motion walking out what you profess. Jentezen Franklin, an anointed preacher from North Georgia, says you fight your famine by getting back to the Father's house. "God blesses where His reputation is safe," Franklin states.
Like the prodigal son you may have to return to your Father's house. Return from the cesspool of the flesh, of the world's ways,to the fatted calf of provision and robes of glory found in God's path.
Finally, as you go from that vision to the valley, something amazing can happens. God uses the fire of your trials to purify you. Your flesh, doing things in your own strength, gets pruned. Parts of the "old you die, and the new anointed you rises up.
You experience a "suddenly," as in Ezekiel 37:7, where your circumstances start to turn around. You know then that yourjourney from the vision down to the valley is coming up to victory! You go through the famine and come out more blessed.You go from dry empty bones to life full of joy.
God's victory for you amidst the fulfillment of your vision maybe coming as an opportunity, an invitation,a new strategy, or a previously unknown or unidentified association. Remain obedient to His principles, keep speaking the Word in faith, and watch expectantly for the ways which God may choose to deliver the victory to you in His due season.
It may be today!
For more inspiration amidst the valley in going forward to your divine destiny, visit the Ministry Marketing Online Blog.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
"Is it not too extravagant to say that out of an individual believer rivers are going to flow? "I do not see the rivers," you say. Never look at yourself from the standpoint of - Who am I? In the history of God's work you will nearly always find that it has started from the obscure, the unknown, the ignored, but the steadfastly true to Jesus Christ." Oswald Chambers
@stephen_pierce @alicia_pierce Watched a replay of webinar. Awesome content again. I thank God for honest and real mentors like you.
I implemented this strategy this morning! Thank you Stephen Pierce.
You can too!
You can too!
Because of my God given vision that He has placed in my heart, I can rise every morning with hope, peace and joy. Even amidst FIRE!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Your Vision Is Essential For Survival For Today
So how's our vision? Is your passion in life connected with that vision?
A poet once wrote: "Beware of those who stand aloof, and greet each venture with reproof. The world would stop if things were run, by those who say, 'It can't be done.'"
In the midst of the fire, when things are NOT going your way, is when your vision can be your lifeline.
"Where there is no vision, the people perish." (Prov 29:18)
God given vision is birthed from your faith. Your faith grows by the Word. So the power to your vision lies in activating the Word of God. Prayer is the sustaining power to bring it together into reality.
My friend, be at peace. If God has called you to fulfill a vision He's given, He'll more than enable you to walk there by His grace and power. Dig in. Believe. Walk. Obey. Surrender.
I read recently, "It's not about what you can do, but what God can do with your life when it's fully surrendered to Him. It encompasses things outside the realm of the predictable, the safe, and the expected."
So what do you DO while you wait for the provision for the vision? How do you walk amidst attacks from every side?
You walk and SPEAK faith.
Your words--connected by the Word of God--are the seeds of your future, of your vision.
In the battle of David and Goliath, the giant told David what he was going to do to him.
"He said to David, "Am I a dog, that you come at me with sticks?" And the Philistine cursed David by his gods. "Come here," he said, "and I'll give your flesh to the birds of the air and the beasts of the field!"
Ugly negative words that could set anyone back. The power of life and death is in the tongue has it says in Proverbs.
Goliath spewed death.
Notice how David responded and WHOSE Word he stood by:
"You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the LORD will hand you over to me, and I'll strike you down and cut off your head. Today I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel. All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the LORD saves; for the battle is the LORD's, and he will give all of you into our hands."
I believe this is a powerful example of how to act when the enemy comes up to you, looking like a big ugly giant threatening to kill your the form of a family crisis, a financial disaster, or a disease trying to attack your body.
You speak the Word of God to that enemy. One word spoken by the Lord in a moment can cancel years of the wrong things spoken by the enemy.
So find the words you need to face your Goliath.
"The LORD also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble"(Psalm 9:9)
"..blessed is the man who who fears the LORD, who finds great delight in his commands.
is children will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed.
Wealth and riches are in his house, and his righteousness endures forever." Psalm 112:1-3
"For I am The Lord Who healeth thee...."
"For by His stripes we were healed..."
You have God's Word to speak so you can see your vision come to pass!
"For the vision is yet for the appointed time; It hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; For it will certainly come, it will not delay."
(Habakkuk 2:3)
For more encouragement and ministry marketing help, visit
A poet once wrote: "Beware of those who stand aloof, and greet each venture with reproof. The world would stop if things were run, by those who say, 'It can't be done.'"
In the midst of the fire, when things are NOT going your way, is when your vision can be your lifeline.
"Where there is no vision, the people perish." (Prov 29:18)
God given vision is birthed from your faith. Your faith grows by the Word. So the power to your vision lies in activating the Word of God. Prayer is the sustaining power to bring it together into reality.
My friend, be at peace. If God has called you to fulfill a vision He's given, He'll more than enable you to walk there by His grace and power. Dig in. Believe. Walk. Obey. Surrender.
I read recently, "It's not about what you can do, but what God can do with your life when it's fully surrendered to Him. It encompasses things outside the realm of the predictable, the safe, and the expected."
So what do you DO while you wait for the provision for the vision? How do you walk amidst attacks from every side?
You walk and SPEAK faith.
Your words--connected by the Word of God--are the seeds of your future, of your vision.
In the battle of David and Goliath, the giant told David what he was going to do to him.
"He said to David, "Am I a dog, that you come at me with sticks?" And the Philistine cursed David by his gods. "Come here," he said, "and I'll give your flesh to the birds of the air and the beasts of the field!"
Ugly negative words that could set anyone back. The power of life and death is in the tongue has it says in Proverbs.
Goliath spewed death.
Notice how David responded and WHOSE Word he stood by:
"You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the LORD will hand you over to me, and I'll strike you down and cut off your head. Today I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel. All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the LORD saves; for the battle is the LORD's, and he will give all of you into our hands."
I believe this is a powerful example of how to act when the enemy comes up to you, looking like a big ugly giant threatening to kill your the form of a family crisis, a financial disaster, or a disease trying to attack your body.
You speak the Word of God to that enemy. One word spoken by the Lord in a moment can cancel years of the wrong things spoken by the enemy.
So find the words you need to face your Goliath.
"The LORD also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble"(Psalm 9:9)
"..blessed is the man who who fears the LORD, who finds great delight in his commands.
is children will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed.
Wealth and riches are in his house, and his righteousness endures forever." Psalm 112:1-3
"For I am The Lord Who healeth thee...."
"For by His stripes we were healed..."
You have God's Word to speak so you can see your vision come to pass!
"For the vision is yet for the appointed time; It hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; For it will certainly come, it will not delay."
(Habakkuk 2:3)
For more encouragement and ministry marketing help, visit
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
SEO Tips To Get Your Ministry a #1 Google Ranking
SEO tips and advice can make all the difference for your website, blog, or landing page on the internet.
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. Those who can give out the best SEO advice are in high demand and charge high prices.
That's why I'm excited to introduce you to Brad Fallon and SEO Elite in the video here below. Allow me to take the time to share what you can learn from his SEO Tips, including his search engine optimization software, and how you can get your ministry a #1 Google ranking in the shortest amount of time.
Proof In The Power Of SEO Elite
"I'm Now Getting Over 4 Times The Traffic To My Website Each Month!"
"Hey Brad, my traffic has gone from a little over 10,000 visitors per month, on average, to OVER 40,000 visitors, on average, per month after purchasing and using SEO Elite!"
Jermaine Tabor
"SEO Elite has helped me to rank #1 for the phrase "business practices"
"SEO Elite has helped me to rank #1 for the phrase "business practices". It has made a great many things so much... simpler... faster... better. The really huge plus that SEO Elite provides is the savings of time, which is major to me."
Tom Goniwiecha
At the end of the video you will be re-directed to a secure site where you can order this SEO Elite and software to see your way to increased Google rankings, exposure, and financial rewards.
For more information on how to promote your ministry and generate web traffic to your site, check out:
Ministry Marketing Strategies For Today's Christian Ministries
Friday, August 7, 2009
Plan For Freedom To Make Money For Ministry
Making money for ministry. Just that statement may not sound right to some.
But the fact is we need resources to continue in the destiny that God has called us. We need a traffic plan for freedom to make money online.
Do you feel like you are in a race going around and around trying to figure out a way to simply pay your bills and get your head above the debt waters? Would you like to be able to find something real online using ministry marketing with social media and other web 2.0 strategies?
Check this out to see if you can relate:
Good news for you. There is a simple internet marketing training system that ANYONE can plug-into, regardless of experience, ability or budget! We can show you how to "harness the power of the internet to help you learn the keys to making money for ministry online, create wealth and GO forward in the direction of God's call on your life.
Traffic Plan For Freedom Today!
But the fact is we need resources to continue in the destiny that God has called us. We need a traffic plan for freedom to make money online.
Do you feel like you are in a race going around and around trying to figure out a way to simply pay your bills and get your head above the debt waters? Would you like to be able to find something real online using ministry marketing with social media and other web 2.0 strategies?
Check this out to see if you can relate:
Good news for you. There is a simple internet marketing training system that ANYONE can plug-into, regardless of experience, ability or budget! We can show you how to "harness the power of the internet to help you learn the keys to making money for ministry online, create wealth and GO forward in the direction of God's call on your life.
Traffic Plan For Freedom Today!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
The Power Of Video: Rev. Harriet Has "A Little Talk" With President Obama
So how powerful is video? Can you really start on a simple video strategy and get national attention?
Ask our client and friend, Rev. Harriet Bradley as she captivates the president and gets her face on national television for over five minutes as President Obama answers her question!
Rev. Harriet has persevered through her challenges to continue to learn and stretch herself. In the past year, she has learned more about working with her computer. She is a dear friend and one of my most eager to learn clients in my Christian Ministry Marketing consulting.
Recently, she wanted to explore video more. She did not have the money for a Flip camera as part of the simple start plan, so she decided take my advice and get a web cam for her laptop first.
From there she experimented with ToxBox, UstreamTV, The Easy Video Producer, and basic Windows Media software.
She is up and going in the direction of her passion to minister hope and healing to those who have been sexually and physically abused from their paths, helping others with her Christian Publishing Company, and starting her very own video ministry.
Well, the other day she called me and was thrilled by her latest video venture.
She told me how she heard that President Obama was going to have a live Town Hall type meeting and take questions from the audience and those who write....or video in their questions. She told me she was tired that night, but decided to get the lipstick out, fix her hair, and shoot the video question that God had laid on her heart.
She sent the link off and thought no more of it.
Then it happened. The next day as she turned on the television for the President's town hall meeting, she realized that her little act of obeying that "still small voice" was about to make a national splash:
Here's a recap from my Tuesday Video Blog:
What was amazing is her question and President Obama's answer made quite a stir with the press. Even Rush Limbaugh got into the action on his radio show mentioning often "Harriet from Georgia". I put that phrase, "Harriet from Georgia" in a Google search engine, and I found many blog posts....about Harriet!!!
You gotta love that!
So how do you make something like this happen?
Learn what Rev. Harriet and others are learning with simple video strategies to explode their business and ministry marketing online.
You can also sign up for the NEW Power OF Video AND Social Network Video series coming out that will include a easy video tool, The Easy Video Producer, which you can use now for your video ministry or business/ministry marketing strategy online.
Visit the Ministry Marketing Strategies Home page to learn more about the power of video!
You CAN do this too!
You may not make a connection with President Obama but I have no doubt you'll make a connection FOR the real KING, and someone may just get to "have a little talk with Jesus"! That would be you, Jesus with skin on!
Ask our client and friend, Rev. Harriet Bradley as she captivates the president and gets her face on national television for over five minutes as President Obama answers her question!
Rev. Harriet has persevered through her challenges to continue to learn and stretch herself. In the past year, she has learned more about working with her computer. She is a dear friend and one of my most eager to learn clients in my Christian Ministry Marketing consulting.
Recently, she wanted to explore video more. She did not have the money for a Flip camera as part of the simple start plan, so she decided take my advice and get a web cam for her laptop first.
From there she experimented with ToxBox, UstreamTV, The Easy Video Producer, and basic Windows Media software.
She is up and going in the direction of her passion to minister hope and healing to those who have been sexually and physically abused from their paths, helping others with her Christian Publishing Company, and starting her very own video ministry.
Well, the other day she called me and was thrilled by her latest video venture.
She told me how she heard that President Obama was going to have a live Town Hall type meeting and take questions from the audience and those who write....or video in their questions. She told me she was tired that night, but decided to get the lipstick out, fix her hair, and shoot the video question that God had laid on her heart.
She sent the link off and thought no more of it.
Then it happened. The next day as she turned on the television for the President's town hall meeting, she realized that her little act of obeying that "still small voice" was about to make a national splash:
Here's a recap from my Tuesday Video Blog:
What was amazing is her question and President Obama's answer made quite a stir with the press. Even Rush Limbaugh got into the action on his radio show mentioning often "Harriet from Georgia". I put that phrase, "Harriet from Georgia" in a Google search engine, and I found many blog posts....about Harriet!!!
You gotta love that!
So how do you make something like this happen?
Learn what Rev. Harriet and others are learning with simple video strategies to explode their business and ministry marketing online.
You can also sign up for the NEW Power OF Video AND Social Network Video series coming out that will include a easy video tool, The Easy Video Producer, which you can use now for your video ministry or business/ministry marketing strategy online.
Visit the Ministry Marketing Strategies Home page to learn more about the power of video!
You CAN do this too!
You may not make a connection with President Obama but I have no doubt you'll make a connection FOR the real KING, and someone may just get to "have a little talk with Jesus"! That would be you, Jesus with skin on!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Video Blog: Make The Connection
To learn more Marketing Secrets go to the Ministry Marketing Home Page.
To get the NEW MARKETING VIDEO series and for a limited time, the first edition of Basic Video Tips and E-Book, sign up now!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Three Reasons You Need Video In Your Marketing Plan
I have such a passion to see people use the tools available online to promote their gifts and callings online. Video is one of those passions.
In this BlogTalk Radio special (and intro using the new Easy Video Producer), I share the three P's of why you should take advantage of using video as part of your ministry marketing plan online.
Here's the full version on my Keys To Be Free Blog Talk Show:
The three p's center on:
1) The POWER of video online. Recent studies by the Wharton School of Business for one, show that video boosts comprehension and retention by 50% over live presentations. Another study shows that video increases a viewers memory or recall of information shown to them by 50% over print material. Video is shown to convert a potential customer three times higher than printed material.
Ann Sieg just released her latest amazing E-Book called "The Atrraction Marketers Manifesto", where she quotes some astounding statistics about the internet.
For one, she states, "People are starting to use the internet more than they watch tv..or even read the newspaper."
She quotes a powerful fact from a recent Jupiter research report that found that more than 25% of the people they studied have cut back on watching they can spend more time on the internet.
"On top of that," Ann writes, "18% of people in the study said they were reading newspapers less and getting more information on the internet instead."
She concludes with the obvious fact, "Thanks to the internet, you can now get your message in front of more prospects than ever before in the history of the world."
2) Passion
Video is one tool where people can really see your passion on what you enjoy. If you have passion about something, it usually means you know quite a bit about the subject. With video you can get that visual connection to create a lasting impression. You can connect emotionally, personally, showing forth your own integrity. You can't fake passion. You build trust as you share your knowledge and passion.
3) Prepares
Video prepares your viewer to receive more from you. You can impact them giving them a call to action. You can blend your message and personality giving them a desire to want more from you.
For example, you could be a traveling evangelist sharing the Word with your video ministry. Someone could see you and think "Hey, I want him to come to my church and preach."
One great example I point to often is my client and friend Rev. Harriet Bradley. She has a passion to share the Word and help people be healed emotionally from past abuse and pain. She has now incorporated video into her ministry marketing plan sharing the wisdom she has with her viewers. They in turn can see her, find her online at JustJesusTV or FaceBook, and ask her to do a weekend seminar.
So How DO I Do This? What's THE Solution?
So you can see the some of the many reasons why you want to incorporate video, but you ask, "HOW"??
You are not technically inclined. You may not really care for learning about cameras and microphones but you want to use video.
Now, with the The Easy Video Producer, you can have a tool that is not only free and easy to use but also gives you tools to put that video onto your own ministry pages, Facebook, opt in page, or on your blog.
Here's a video explaining just how easy this is to do:
I'd love to share more information regarding using video in your ministry marketing plan whether it involves your music, your church, or some other form of ministry.
Currently I'm putting together a New Video Series (to go with the first basic instructional video series) that will cover such topics as: "Why Video Marketing?, "Understanding The Power of Video", "How to Stream Your Video Live", and "Keys to Using The Easy Video Producer"......
Let's see you go forward in the direction of your destiny with your ministry!
In this BlogTalk Radio special (and intro using the new Easy Video Producer), I share the three P's of why you should take advantage of using video as part of your ministry marketing plan online.
Here's the full version on my Keys To Be Free Blog Talk Show:
The three p's center on:
1) The POWER of video online. Recent studies by the Wharton School of Business for one, show that video boosts comprehension and retention by 50% over live presentations. Another study shows that video increases a viewers memory or recall of information shown to them by 50% over print material. Video is shown to convert a potential customer three times higher than printed material.
Ann Sieg just released her latest amazing E-Book called "The Atrraction Marketers Manifesto", where she quotes some astounding statistics about the internet.
For one, she states, "People are starting to use the internet more than they watch tv..or even read the newspaper."
She quotes a powerful fact from a recent Jupiter research report that found that more than 25% of the people they studied have cut back on watching they can spend more time on the internet.
"On top of that," Ann writes, "18% of people in the study said they were reading newspapers less and getting more information on the internet instead."
She concludes with the obvious fact, "Thanks to the internet, you can now get your message in front of more prospects than ever before in the history of the world."
2) Passion
Video is one tool where people can really see your passion on what you enjoy. If you have passion about something, it usually means you know quite a bit about the subject. With video you can get that visual connection to create a lasting impression. You can connect emotionally, personally, showing forth your own integrity. You can't fake passion. You build trust as you share your knowledge and passion.
3) Prepares
Video prepares your viewer to receive more from you. You can impact them giving them a call to action. You can blend your message and personality giving them a desire to want more from you.
For example, you could be a traveling evangelist sharing the Word with your video ministry. Someone could see you and think "Hey, I want him to come to my church and preach."
One great example I point to often is my client and friend Rev. Harriet Bradley. She has a passion to share the Word and help people be healed emotionally from past abuse and pain. She has now incorporated video into her ministry marketing plan sharing the wisdom she has with her viewers. They in turn can see her, find her online at JustJesusTV or FaceBook, and ask her to do a weekend seminar.
So How DO I Do This? What's THE Solution?
So you can see the some of the many reasons why you want to incorporate video, but you ask, "HOW"??
You are not technically inclined. You may not really care for learning about cameras and microphones but you want to use video.
Now, with the The Easy Video Producer, you can have a tool that is not only free and easy to use but also gives you tools to put that video onto your own ministry pages, Facebook, opt in page, or on your blog.
Here's a video explaining just how easy this is to do:
I'd love to share more information regarding using video in your ministry marketing plan whether it involves your music, your church, or some other form of ministry.
Currently I'm putting together a New Video Series (to go with the first basic instructional video series) that will cover such topics as: "Why Video Marketing?, "Understanding The Power of Video", "How to Stream Your Video Live", and "Keys to Using The Easy Video Producer"......
Let's see you go forward in the direction of your destiny with your ministry!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Using The Power Of Web Video For Your Marketing Plan
Now is the time to use web video for your business or ministry marketing plan, your videoministry, marketing your Christian music or group, and for reaching out for greater exposure online.
I really have a heart for those who are trying to do this for ministry. One of my passions is to help with web video in particular. For some, video production online can seem too complicated, "techy" or simply a daunting task.
It does not have to be!
If you have a heart for using video for online promotion and ministry, I'd like to introduce one simple online video tool to consider. The best part is it's free and comes with the potential to help you gain valuable connections. Even if ministry is not your focus, but business online is, I think you too will see the value in this tool.
Here is an example of the power behind the idea of the easy web video plan for ministry:
In light of ministry online, consider this.You can start your free video ministry today and take advantage of the trend of people watching more Christian online videos, podcasts, or UstreamTV Christian TV.
In a recent article about "E-vangelism" in Charisma Magazine, they reported on the growing number of people reaching out online to receive spiritual help. Here is proof that now, more than ever before, you need to take advantage of an easy vido tool and use it for your videoministry, and ministry marketing.
One study they wrote about in this article was by the Barna Group. Their study revealed that nearly one in four adults said they downloaded a church podcast in the last week.

David Kinnaman, the lead researcher on this particular study says in essence that:
"Technology presents a newfound opportunity for ministers to evangelize a worldwide audience."
Another prominent voice in this move toward more Christian online videos and ministry is Phil Cooke, president of Cooke Pictures. He says that Christian ministries and media need to be active in engaging a one on one conversation with a generation accustomed to giving their opinions and thoughts on Web sites.
"It's far more than having a fancy Web site and cool grapics, says Cooke, author of BRANDING FAITH, a book about telling powerful stories in a media-dominated culture that changes people's lives inside and out.
"The thing we have to understand is what is the story we are trying to tell. What is the audience that is interested in that story and how do we connect with that audience? Until we understand that, all the other things don't matter,"Cooke states.

So what is God saying to you? You can't use the excuse about not having money. If you have a computer and a web cam, you can have your own free video ministry. Now, if you don't have a web cam, I hope you'll have the diligence to save like my friend Rev. Harriet Bradley did, to start her own free videoministry!
You can also see this example with Bishop CD Miller with her Just Jesus website, among other powerful free tools she uses for her videoministry.
Are you ready? You can go to the Free Easy Video Tool sign up page to learn more.
For more information on ministry marketing:
Click here to go to the Free Web Video page.
Click here to go to home page of Ministry Marketing Strategies.
I really have a heart for those who are trying to do this for ministry. One of my passions is to help with web video in particular. For some, video production online can seem too complicated, "techy" or simply a daunting task.
It does not have to be!
If you have a heart for using video for online promotion and ministry, I'd like to introduce one simple online video tool to consider. The best part is it's free and comes with the potential to help you gain valuable connections. Even if ministry is not your focus, but business online is, I think you too will see the value in this tool.
Here is an example of the power behind the idea of the easy web video plan for ministry:
In light of ministry online, consider this.You can start your free video ministry today and take advantage of the trend of people watching more Christian online videos, podcasts, or UstreamTV Christian TV.
In a recent article about "E-vangelism" in Charisma Magazine, they reported on the growing number of people reaching out online to receive spiritual help. Here is proof that now, more than ever before, you need to take advantage of an easy vido tool and use it for your videoministry, and ministry marketing.
One study they wrote about in this article was by the Barna Group. Their study revealed that nearly one in four adults said they downloaded a church podcast in the last week.
David Kinnaman, the lead researcher on this particular study says in essence that:
"Technology presents a newfound opportunity for ministers to evangelize a worldwide audience."
Another prominent voice in this move toward more Christian online videos and ministry is Phil Cooke, president of Cooke Pictures. He says that Christian ministries and media need to be active in engaging a one on one conversation with a generation accustomed to giving their opinions and thoughts on Web sites.
"It's far more than having a fancy Web site and cool grapics, says Cooke, author of BRANDING FAITH, a book about telling powerful stories in a media-dominated culture that changes people's lives inside and out.
"The thing we have to understand is what is the story we are trying to tell. What is the audience that is interested in that story and how do we connect with that audience? Until we understand that, all the other things don't matter,"Cooke states.
So what is God saying to you? You can't use the excuse about not having money. If you have a computer and a web cam, you can have your own free video ministry. Now, if you don't have a web cam, I hope you'll have the diligence to save like my friend Rev. Harriet Bradley did, to start her own free videoministry!
You can also see this example with Bishop CD Miller with her Just Jesus website, among other powerful free tools she uses for her videoministry.
Are you ready? You can go to the Free Easy Video Tool sign up page to learn more.
For more information on ministry marketing:
Click here to go to the Free Web Video page.
Click here to go to home page of Ministry Marketing Strategies.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Video Ministry: The Ultimate Business Plam Amidst Weak Economy
These are tough times. But we can find strength in the principles of God found in the Word of God.
For me, this is a season of stepping out in faith and doing more of what God has called me to do. This does not stress me out because I know what God calls you to, He more than provides the grace and anointing to walk in that direction.
It's a season of doing....moving...acting...walking by faith.
I hope you are as blessed by this as I was by reading 2 Kings Chapter 4. I found THE PLAN for such a time as this!
May I share more?
This Free Easy Video Producer will go public sometime next week.
You can be one of the first to know about it! And allow me to bless you with a "vessel", a tool, to help grow your oil (finances, anointing, prosperity).....
To learn important video tips for your free videoministry on how to make your videos stand out from the rest and key video secrets to online web success, contact me.
I'll be in touch. I hope you'll do the same.
Desiring your greatest good!
For me, this is a season of stepping out in faith and doing more of what God has called me to do. This does not stress me out because I know what God calls you to, He more than provides the grace and anointing to walk in that direction.
It's a season of doing....moving...acting...walking by faith.
I hope you are as blessed by this as I was by reading 2 Kings Chapter 4. I found THE PLAN for such a time as this!
May I share more?
This Free Easy Video Producer will go public sometime next week.
You can be one of the first to know about it! And allow me to bless you with a "vessel", a tool, to help grow your oil (finances, anointing, prosperity).....
To learn important video tips for your free videoministry on how to make your videos stand out from the rest and key video secrets to online web success, contact me.
I'll be in touch. I hope you'll do the same.
Desiring your greatest good!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
A Video Of Hope At The Right Time
Video is so powerful. It can move you deep down to the core of you, heart, spirit, and soul.
I saw this video before I had to go into another deposition concerning my house being set on fire last July. I was nervous, tired, and so ready for the accusations and interrogations to be over.
When I saw this video, I was moved to tears. I proceeded to watch it four more times on my I-phone as I got ready for the deposition with my insurance company's lawyer:
No doubt. After watching this I knew WHO was going to hold me together as I went into that meeting. I was grilled for four and a half hours. I held my ground knowing God was for me. Who could be against me!
I saw this video before I had to go into another deposition concerning my house being set on fire last July. I was nervous, tired, and so ready for the accusations and interrogations to be over.
When I saw this video, I was moved to tears. I proceeded to watch it four more times on my I-phone as I got ready for the deposition with my insurance company's lawyer:
No doubt. After watching this I knew WHO was going to hold me together as I went into that meeting. I was grilled for four and a half hours. I held my ground knowing God was for me. Who could be against me!
faithfulness of God,
louie giglio,
video of hope
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