Egads, three months behind in data entry and even longer behind in balancing the check books can bring on a stress of its own.
When I do this basic accounting activity after such a long absence, I like to enter the deposits first. I had to chuckle as I did this because I knew when there were some challenging lean times in the month and when the fat times hit.
So as I was doing this, God spoke to me in such a powerful way. Because I had put all the deposits in first, there was always enough, even though I was entering so many checks and debits. God spoke.."I make sure you always have enough. The money is in the bank. Why stress, just trust?!"
So, it's a simple truth that I find myself learning again and again amidst the challenges of an arson fire that destroyed our house, the stress over our economy, and the demands involved in working on some of the biggest projects to date with our businesses.I am learning that God can KILZ the stress.
Yes, I said "Kilz".
The picture above is from this past weekend where my husband and I were working on one of his jobs in Louisiana. We went there for the weekend to take care of a project to secure a Chevron and paint over some graffiti.
As you can see we applied the Kilz paint to cover over the graffiti, and then painted over the Kilz paint with another color of paint to complete the cover up.
How can you let God do this for you..."Kilz your stress?"
First, faith is the plan of action. You walk by faith not by sight. (So stop looking at your checkbook, worrying about the economy etc).Faith begins in your heart and comes out of your mouth. So determine in your heart you are going to trust God, walk in faith He will take care of you, and speak it out! Speak life, not death over your situation! (The power of life and death is in your tongue, according to Proverbs 18:21).
Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God. (Romans 10:17)
So God's Word fuels your faith. His Word is the road map. He can give you the supernatural wisdom to do something to help your family, to make your business thrive and not just survive this time of economic turmoil. God's Word can give you the strength to walk through the lean times when you feel so weak. God's Word can give you the confidence to not be afraid and try something new in a marketing plan for a part-time home-based business. God's Word is the ROCK in building your relationship with HIM stronger.
So turn to HIM often, "fix your eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of your faith..." (Hebrews 12:2)
Finally, you can allow the Holy Spirit to give you new eyes of faith. Allow His Spirit to wipe clean your worries and produce joy instead of stress. So instead of seeing the problem...the mess of graffiti on the wall of your life, you can see it covered by the Blood of Jesus!
As you walk by faith, and dig into the Word, God can give you a vision for your destiny. He can revive an old dream, or stir up a new one. He can activate your creative side and give you an outlet where by your expressing it, you are helping others (and yourself).
So...decide today to choose faith over fear. Feed the faith by His Word. Get the KILZ can out in the Holy Spirit and allow HIM to erase the mess to give you a message of hope!