Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Free E-Book And Video Series On Video Tips To Promote Your Ministry
So now is the time to give and help others. My gift is this Free E-Book and Video Series helping you with basic video keys that could unlock the door to more traffic to your site, more promotional opportunities, and more clients.
Free Video Tips For Promoting Your Business or Ministry Online
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. You can only imagine what a video could do for you as you look to gain traffic to your websites and gain in your ministry marketing. In the first edition of the Free Video Tips, you'll learn three keys to a successful video marketing plan. Also, you'll be the first to receive the free E-Book on 12 Keys To Succeed In Video Production as a bonus.
Whether you are looking to promote your ministry or finding new ways to advertise for your business, you'll benefit greatly from these insights as I go back to my days working at a television station to share video production tips.Sign up today and experience a difference in promoting your ministry or business online with this Free E-Book and Video Keys Series.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
The Time Is Now For Your Abundance
Andrew was speaking on how now is NOT the time for Christians to shrink back and hide themselves in a hole out of fear by what is going on today. Yes, these are tough times. But what an opportunity for Christians to rise up, trust God, obey what He says, and press on with what He is showing us to do.
We, by God's grace and strength, can thrive and not just survive. We can flourish while our nation's economy flounders! What an amazing opportunity to testify and give God glory as you prosper amidst the tough times, as you expand in your business or ministry, as you walk in a new place of abundance.
This is not a time to shrink back in fear. Fear immobilizes you. It paralyzes and zaps the very creative gifts God has given you.
So rise up. Fix your eyes on Jesus, not the news. Jesus is the author and perfecter of your faith. When fear tries to grab you by the throat, speak out His name! When anxiety wants to rob you of your joy, praise His name. When the ugly fowl spirit of death tries to drag you back into that pit of pity or bad health or despair, reach out in faith to God knowing He hears and will rescue.
Will you join me? Will you CHOOSE to walk in faith and not fear. Will you listen, obey and trust what God is telling YOU to do.
Let's walk in faith today.
Faith is believing the windows of heaven are wide open for blessings for you when all you see is closed doors on earth.
The Ministry Marketing Plan Part II
The next "p" has to do with dealing with the people along that journey.
How well do you deal with people? You will never be successful in any market plan in business if you don't serve and help other people. The most successful entrepreneurs understand that business is more about what they give than what they get.
As a mom, you can understand this well in dealing with your children. You often have to "die" to your own needs to raise your babies to be children, your children to be teens, and your teens to be...adults!
Those in ministry realize this servant's heart also. Just as Jesus came to serve, to the point of stooping down and washing His disciples feet, the example has been set. This amazingly simple but sometimes difficult to perform act is rooted as a basic Biblical principle.
Check out Philippians 2:4: "Let each of you look out not only for your own interests, but also for the interests of others."
Again, the principle is seen in Romans 12:10: "Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another..."
I think you understand perfectly. The Bible is full of verses relating to thinking more of others than yourself!
This quote from Mike Dillard, one of the powerful leaders in the home business marketing arena, struck a chord with me in regards to this focus on the importance of people and relationships:
"A REAL, life-long business that is completely immune to attrition and market trends can be built, but it can't be centered around an opportunity or a product. It must be built around you, your name, and your relationships. That's your true asset because it cannot be taken away. Networking is a people business driven by marketing."
Finally, the final "P"!
Perseverance in priorities
I slipped an extra "p" in this market plan. Persevere in what God has called you to do. Stay committed, passionate, diligent...without losing your faith, family and friends. Be consistent with the basics of your market plan all the while keeping your priorities in line.
Serve and maintain your relationship with God. Serve and love your spouse, your children, your family and friends. Stay rooted in God's word using the power of prayer. Your time with Him should never take second place no matter how busy your schedule can be.
And yes, persevere through the peaks and valleys! Don't let your longing (financial freedom. money, material things) for something in the future slay your appetite for enjoying the now!
Amidst your working at home, in a ministry or business, stay on a schedule that keeps you productive in the activities which makes the profit, and still leave time for your family. It can be done!
What God has called you to do, He will more than enable you to walk there with His grace and wisdom as you lean on Him. The Lord will perfect that which concerns you! (Psalm 138:8)
Part I: Market Plan For a Ministry, Stay At Home Mom, or Business
The market plan consists of four "P's":
What are you passionate about or what do you enjoy doing? If you find something that you enjoy where the time just flies by when you are in the midst of doing this, you probably have found a passion.
I have a brother (the oldest of four brothers) who gave me some valuable wisdom at a young age. He told me if I found something I loved, and could make a living doing it, I needed to pursue it.
After a failed golfing career, I remembered his advice and thought about what I really enjoyed. Well, I loved Christian Music. I used to make mixes of Christian music on tapes with my voice as a “dj” speaking encouragement in between the songs. Time flew by when I was in the midst of one of these creations as I considered the theme of the tape, pondered which Christian songs to select, and what order to have them arranged as I produced the mix. I’d give them out to my golfing friends so they could listen in their cars as they traveled all over the country on the golf tour. I called it the KYSS tape series. KYSS standing for: “Know You’re Someone Special!
So one of the first jobs I applied for after my golfing career was finished was at an FM Christian Music Radio Station as an announcer. I got the job! The only demo I had for the station manager to listen to was one of those home-made KYSS tapes. I was making a living, making a profit, while at a hobby,now turned into a job, which I loved! (Needless to say I had a passion for Christian Radio! I spent 15 1/2 years at that same station!)
That passion leads to the second p: profit. Will your passion profit you? I don’t just mean this in the sense of money. Will your passion promote personal development. Can you learn a new skill. As Dani Johnson says, “The marketplace pays for value. Your value is your skill.” If you can learn a new skill or enhance one centered around that passion of something you enjoy, you have the ingredients to making a profit.
Maybe you are in the ministry. You love to write, speak, and minister God’s love. Can you find avenues to publish your work? Is it possible to have a video ministry and on-line presence?
Yes you can use a ministry marketing plan to find ways to profit from your God given gifts!
You could be a stay at home mom that has a passion for writing greeting cards or encouraging people with thoughtful crafts.. Can that love for being an encourager be turned into a computer based home business?
Yes! There is a company called Send Out Cards. I love the motto of this home based business: "Changing Lives One Card At A Time.”
Maybe you are that marketplace man, businessman, who enjoys people and serving with excellence in advertising, business building, or construction. If you enjoy it, you don’t dread getting up in the morning but look at each day as an exciting opportunity to grow, do business, and impact those around you positively!
Ken Blanchard,the co-author of the "One Minute Manager" states: ”Profit is applause for taking care of customers and creating a motivating environment for employees.”
Employees, clients, co-workers….which leads us to the third “P”….PEOPLE!
Part II coming soon.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Market Plan for Ministry, Stay At Home Moms, and Business Part I
For more information on ministry marketing, Click Here!
If you are looking for a real business that might bring you some freedom, go to
Sunday, December 7, 2008
If you are looking to find THE key to seek financial freedom to serve God, this might be the ticket for you.
You will have the freedom of not having to go into an office every day and work from home. The qualified candidate should have 2+ years of previous sales experience, is self motivated and not afraid to "cold call" on small to medium sized local businesses. For the inexperienced, the LocalAdLink Team offers a complete training program that will have you up and running in no time.
Jack Weinzierl, a Christian marketplace man who has earned approximately $1 million in commissions over the past 4 years marketing online, will be able to coach and guide you, if you join our team.
LocalAdLink pays 50% commission bi-weekly. Annual incomes for a novice sales person could reach $50,000 the first year. Experienced sales people could potentially earn $100,000 or more. Stock options in the publicly traded company are also a part of the compensation package. Endless leads are available. Simply look in your own yellow pages for thousands of potential customers. And then ask yourself, when was the last time that I used the yellow pages? Exactly. There is a major shift occurring with local search and you can profit from that economic shift over the next several years.
Sales experience in Yellow Page Ads, ad sales of any kind to businesses will have you calling on accounts on day 1. Be the first in your market to take advantage of the major shift that is currently taking place from Off-line to on-line advertising.
As a destination website, LocalAdLink already serves over 14 million businesses across the nation. Consumers can review businesses and services and read the reviews of others. However it doesn't stop there. This ground breaking company has created a game-changing opportunity with its exclusive advertising technology. Picture this. You are on one of your favorite website, let's say As you are catching up on the latest sports news, you see your ad - geo-targeted to your community and relevant to your audience.
LocalAdLink has created this advertising network and an affordable and easy solution for business to appear on websites such as Google, Yahoo, MSN, MySpace, Facebook, Fandango, Rolling Stone, BOOMj,,,,,,, and hundreds more*.
*LocalAdLink's advertising network of partners is subject to change at any time without notice. Display of ads on third-party websites and platforms is not guaranteed.
If you are an evangelist looking for a part-time venture to free you up financially, or a marketplace woman willing to learn another market, or a business owner wanting to drive more local business, this could be what helps you.
Click here for more information.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Just Jesus TV: Your Ticket To A Video Ministry Plan
Do you have a heart to share the Word of God? I truly believe one of the new battlegrounds as Christians is with online video.
Check these stats out in why video on the web is so powerful:
- In December of 2007, 10 Billion videos were viewed on line.
- Of all web traffic, 52 percent of it is video.
(source: eMarketer, Dec 2007) - In December, 141 million Americans viewed online video.
- There are over 1.5 BILLION Internet connected computers, worldwide. (source is Traffic Geyser)
Leading the way with this video ministry strategy using Just Jesus TV is Bishop CD Miller. Bishop Miller, a retired professional graphic designer and business owner, has numerous places online where her videos can be seen. She heads up a powerful online connection network called, HerSpace, A Women In Ministry Preachers' Network.
Bishop CD Miller shares here heart: "It’s Time for us to be true in receiving, following, believing, standing and expecting the Word to richly manifest itself into our lives. Our ministry is designed to encourage YOU…to “Manifest God’s Promises Now!” Our website(s) makes available resources for you to embrace the Word into your life. I personally want you to know His Will and Word for your life. I want you to be able to hold onto to God’s Promises until they fully appear and manifest into your life, now as well as eternally!"
To read more about Just Jesus TV and tools to start your own Video ministry, click here.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
You Can Find Financial Freedom: A Video Of Hope
Healing of the body or emotions: Many have prayed for years to be healed.
Family struggles: Some have been praying for years for a conflict to be resolved or a child saved.
In light of the things that can keep us from experiencing freedom, I felt compelled to share this video I produced a few years ago. When someone made a comment that I should, I took the nudge as a confirmation.
So I ask you:
Have ever been in a pit that seemed to have drained the life out of you.? A pit so deep that fear takes over you and paralyzes your faith?
I know I've been there. That's why sharing Keys To Be Free and ministry marketing is so heavy on my heart. Especially in light of the fact God has given me grace and strength to crawl up out of that dark place, and sparked a vision that gives life to my soul!
I love the saying by Corrie Ten Boone, a Christian Holocaust survivor who helped many Jews escape the Nazis during World War II. It's a saying I often quoted on air as a Christian radio announcer:
"No pit is so deep that God's love is not deeper still.
So with that thought, I pray this video of freedom will bring help to you in the resurrection of your dreams and desires. From financial freedom to healing of your body, I believe with you that God can "turn your mourning into dancing". (Psalm 30:11)
Let me know how you've traded your sorrows for the joy of the Lord.
Let me rejoice with you over your freedom.
If you are not there, let me pray with you and believe for you!!
Be free my friend, and go toward that destiny God has for YOU!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Can God Prepare A Table In Your Wilderness?
Can God prepare a table in your wilderness? Is there hope?
If you look in the Old Testament, you see Moses leading his people to the promised land. The children of Israel whined and cried and complained amidst their struggles. What did God do? He provided water, bread with the manna and meat from the Quail that dropped from the sky. They continued to grumble even amidst such miraculous provision and missed out on the greater things God had planned.
We can learn from their experience and walk with a different mind set.
Because of the finished work of the Cross of Jesus Christ, God is offering us a seat at the wedding table. Jesus once and for all offered Himself up in our place for sin, enabling us to walk in new life. Jesus said He came to give us life, and life more abundantly. That sounds like a table, like a feast that we can experience amidst our struggles.
Here are some keys to find that table in your wilderness:
1)Be Ready For God To Move
How do you prepare? You look at every situation in your wilderness through the eyes of faith. You look for God's presence, and His will. The best way to describe this is you assess every circumstance according to God's Promises. So, for example, you
have a lack of finances. You asses that situation with the Word of God that says, "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you." (Matthew 6:33).
Maybe you are lonely, or you feel all alone. You look at that situation with God's promise: "I will never leave you or abandon you." (Hebrews 13:5)
You might be faced with a family problem or a struggle where you don't know what to do or where to turn. So you replace that anxiety with the Word of God which says "Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight." (Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV)
2) Be Prepared For the Battle
In Ephesians 6:10-20, you find the keys to face the battles. You might be facing something in the midst of your wilderness that is crawling, consuming, chewing the locust in the book of Joel in Chapter 1. You may feel like the battles
are ravaging your strength and hope. So what do you do?
First, you stand, and be strong in the Lord. Know WHO'S power you have. "Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world." (1 John 4:4) "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Phil 4:13).
Secondly, you have to know your enemy and know who you are fighting. "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers,
the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places." (Ephesians 6:12)
You are going to have to do battle in the spiritual realm.
To fight in this demonic realm, you have to maintain a battle stance with the whole armor of God as described in Ephesians 6. The main part of battle is prayer. Prayer is the fight you can win! In addition, your armor is not
just defensive but also offensive. You have the Word of God to cut through your struggles and pierce the life out of the worries you face in your wilderness!
3) Be Persistent To Stay In Relationship With God
A myriad of things keep us from seeking God and maintaining that relationship which, in turn, keeps us away from the table. In the parable in Luke 14:16-24, we read how a man prepared a great feast and sent out many invitations. When the banquet was ready and the table set, he sent his servant to tell the guests that the feast was ready. But each one invited began making their excuses.
So this was one incredible wedding feast! I don't know about you but when someone in my family gets married it is one incredible event. It's filled with laughter, a sense of belonging to a great family as stories are relived from the past....It's filled with good food, good drink, good friends....A real party worth remembering!
That is what God is offering every day! We are invited every day to a feast at the table of His Son, no matter what is going on in our lives.
The key amidst your wilderness is your relationship with God. It's the main ingredient to experiencing that table in the wilderness.
As you see from this parable, each one had an excuse.
One had a piece of land he wanted to cultivate. Sometimes in the midst of trying to provide for our family, getting up early in the morning with a list of things to do as we tend to our "land", our business, we miss those quiet times alone with God. We miss out on soaking in the Word before facing the giants in our work.
Another man in this parable had five oxen. He was toiling, focused on making some money! Sometimes you can get caught up in the rat race of life. You are so focused on what you want and what you need that stress takes over. Then comes the fear and anxiety as you fixed your eyes on what you lack, rather than WHO you have in Christ.
The third person in this parable just got married and has lots going on with this new venture. I think this represents how the responsibilities with our families can take a toll on us emotionally and physically. Your children may be rebelling or you
have strife in your marriage, and it all demands your time and strength. Instead of running to God, you let the trials run over you and your relationship with Him is
left on the back burner.
So in the midst of your wilderness, will you seek the Lord Jesus Christ and maintain that relationship?
I believe that in this time we are living, when the economy is floundering, that God's people can flourish. They are getting out of debt and experiencing massive success in their business. While other people are surviving, God's people are thriving reaching new heights in their family life, and business.....
God is raising up an army of believers who are stepping up to the plate of His table. They are finding peace and provision amidst the wilderness. When others ask them how, they are quick to give God glory. Then, they take them by the hand and lead them to the banquet hall of God's table of love, mercy, and forgiveness.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Marketplace Ministry Today
Click on "Keys To Be Free Financially" below:
"God’s Love at Work is a marketplace outreach purposed to share God's greatest power source--the love of Christ. We are dedicated to:
· Empowering women to advance to their God-given potential in their
work lives and beyond.
· · Fulfilling God’s Greatest Commandments (Matthew 22:37-39) and His
Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). "
More interviews to come on marketplace ministry by clicking here!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Let God KILZ® Your Stress
Egads, three months behind in data entry and even longer behind in balancing the check books can bring on a stress of its own.
When I do this basic accounting activity after such a long absence, I like to enter the deposits first. I had to chuckle as I did this because I knew when there were some challenging lean times in the month and when the fat times hit.
So as I was doing this, God spoke to me in such a powerful way. Because I had put all the deposits in first, there was always enough, even though I was entering so many checks and debits. God spoke.."I make sure you always have enough. The money is in the bank. Why stress, just trust?!"
So, it's a simple truth that I find myself learning again and again amidst the challenges of an arson fire that destroyed our house, the stress over our economy, and the demands involved in working on some of the biggest projects to date with our businesses.I am learning that God can KILZ the stress.
Yes, I said "Kilz".
The picture above is from this past weekend where my husband and I were working on one of his jobs in Louisiana. We went there for the weekend to take care of a project to secure a Chevron and paint over some graffiti.
As you can see we applied the Kilz paint to cover over the graffiti, and then painted over the Kilz paint with another color of paint to complete the cover up.
How can you let God do this for you..."Kilz your stress?"
First, faith is the plan of action. You walk by faith not by sight. (So stop looking at your checkbook, worrying about the economy etc).Faith begins in your heart and comes out of your mouth. So determine in your heart you are going to trust God, walk in faith He will take care of you, and speak it out! Speak life, not death over your situation! (The power of life and death is in your tongue, according to Proverbs 18:21).
Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God. (Romans 10:17)
So God's Word fuels your faith. His Word is the road map. He can give you the supernatural wisdom to do something to help your family, to make your business thrive and not just survive this time of economic turmoil. God's Word can give you the strength to walk through the lean times when you feel so weak. God's Word can give you the confidence to not be afraid and try something new in a marketing plan for a part-time home-based business. God's Word is the ROCK in building your relationship with HIM stronger.
So turn to HIM often, "fix your eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of your faith..." (Hebrews 12:2)
Finally, you can allow the Holy Spirit to give you new eyes of faith. Allow His Spirit to wipe clean your worries and produce joy instead of stress. So instead of seeing the problem...the mess of graffiti on the wall of your life, you can see it covered by the Blood of Jesus!
As you walk by faith, and dig into the Word, God can give you a vision for your destiny. He can revive an old dream, or stir up a new one. He can activate your creative side and give you an outlet where by your expressing it, you are helping others (and yourself).
So...decide today to choose faith over fear. Feed the faith by His Word. Get the KILZ can out in the Holy Spirit and allow HIM to erase the mess to give you a message of hope!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Day One of going through the ashes of our house. I took this picture and was struck by the framing of it. It's a picture when I was 17 years old playing with a local LPGA pro who came back in town to do a promotional golf exhibition. The man above is my old golf pro, the now deceased Bill Welch.
Most of my personal old pictures were in the closet where the fire started.
How do I feel about all that destroyed?
I'm not sure. I died to the dream of being a professional golfer years ago.
I trust I'm on the right path now being a wife, mom, and entreprenuer.
So I'm ok with this. Just poignant just the same.
Back to work documenting from pictures, receipts, and video.
It's a total loss downstairs.
Could only be a miracle the house is still standing based on what I saw downstairs.
Tried By The Fire But Coming Out Gold
The righteous run to it and are safe."
Proverbs 18:10
"Death and life are in the power of the tongue,
and those who live it will eat its fruit."
Proverbs 18:21
Today is day two of my 40 day fast with my brothers and sisters all over the country. We are fasting from negative words, thoughts, the positive. A fast from the flesh to the Spirit.
Today is day ONE of the daunting task of doing inventory, making appointments, and taking care of the aftermath of my burnt home.
I am so glad I have the above verses as food for the spirit and the assurance of God's Presence by having peace in my heart. If you happen to be following this part of the journey with me here, I sure would appreciate your prayers. Thank you.
"Jesus, I trust this situation with the house, the work needed to be accomplished, Dave's work in LA, the finances, and the kids to your unfailing love. You are my refuge and my stronghold. Help me to look beyond my circumstances to see your mighty power. Help me to see with eyes of hope and heart full of faith to move the mountains of any despair and dismay. Help me to speak life and not death into this situation, over my children, and for our future. YOU are able to comfort those who mourn. Only you can bring beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning (loss), the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. As I walk through the ashes and the burned up house, remind me the fire of the battle can produce gold. What is temporal is not eternal. You are still LORD amidst it all."
This will only be my second time viewing the devastation downstairs. I have my eyes of faith on....shield of faith, and the sword of the Spirit. Armed and see God take back what the enemy stole.
"It's a new season, it's a new day. Fresh anointing...I can feel it. It's flowing my way. It's a season of power and prosperity. It's a new season and it coming to you.......The devil's time is up. No longer can he bother me. Because the controller of the universe He's a father to me. And it's transferable, your children will be free....It's a new season....If you don't know by now you need to know it's jubilee....your debts are cancelled and your children walk in victory...ALL THAT WAS STOLEN IS RETURNED TO YOU A HUNDRED FOLD. TRIED IN THE FIRE BUT YOU ARE COMING OUT GOLD!"
Song New Season sung by Martha Munizi on "The Best Is Yet To Come"
Thursday, August 14, 2008
The Battle Is Not Yours!
"Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God's.....
"You will not need to fight in this battle. Position yourselves, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, who is with you...Do not fear or be dismayed; tomorrow go out against them, for the Lord is with you."
Dealing with the aftermath of a house fire, arson, investigations and insurance is a battle.
But I hear the Lord, loud and clear, telling me to stand still and watch HIM be my shield.
At times it has been crazy. We have had our moments of pure frustration and exhaustion. The house stands with nothing done to it. The basement looks like a warzone. The rest of the house is covered with soot and ash. One entrance in to the house and you come out with a terrible burnt smell all over you.
Dave and I have both been through one investigation with the Insurance woman handling our case and our claim. WE have to jump through the first hoop involving a complete interrogation of ourselves first. It's arson so they assume we did it.
That step alone might take quite a long time. We have to release everything from bank statements to phone records. So much for innocent until proven guilty.
We are told the next step now is to be questioned by their lawyer. My goodness...
When we do get to the actual claim, I am not sure what they will do. We know that the house in pretty much smoked out and unlivable. Whether we will gut it out, tear it down, or try to clean it, that alone will take an enormous amount of time and effort.
With Dave and Williams' sinus problems, cleaning it up does NOT seem to be an option. We will fight that issue.
Overall, I have sensed the Lord's grace, strength and faithfulness through this ordeal.
That's the good amidst the bad. The testimony amidst the test. The miracles amidst the mess.
God is so awesome! Everyday I feel like He gives me a "present". It may be as small as a sunset or as big as Dave landing two huge jobs.
I keep being lead back to 2 Chronicles. Yesterday as I was waiting for the Insurance woman to call me to continue with my investigation part (we ran out of time Monday), I felt the Lord reminding me again of this chapter in 2 Chronicles.
What stood out were those two verses above. In the quietness of the motel room, the LORD spoke to my heart telling me not to fear, worry, or even try to fight this battle. (By the way the insurance lady called and said she was done questioning me that I would not have to be questioned for another hour!)
In verse 17, the Lord gave me my game plan. I needed to:
STAY IN POSITION (v. 17) - which means to remain obedient to God, stand in His grace, trust Him and continue in faith with the work he has put before me with marketplace ministry (
STAND STILL - which means to me not to rush into anything, whether that involves waiting for the right house (which we have finally found),not to panic, don't be anxious, and to be at peace in Christ.
AND TO SEE THE LORD'S SALVATION (RESCUE) - To speak faith, fixing my eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of my faith.
And amidst those actions, the Lord is telling me to keep my praise, don't lose the worship, and activate His Spirit to walk confidently through this time of trauma and testing.
Good game plan for this mom.
The kids are back in school so the schedule of that is bringing some continuity to them as we continue living in a motel.
We do have our sights on a great home to stay for the next 6 months to a year that is actually a home owned by one of our drywall customers. Dave completed the drywall in this house! It won't be available until the end of August. I would love to call that house home...and praying for the details to work out.
Finally, I have to thank so many of you who have prayed and supported us. God has provided clothes for my kids, gift cards for things we need, and basically an amazing outpouring of love from friends and family.
Thank you. I cannot thank you enough. May God bless you for your generosity to us.
I'll be in touch. I hope you'll do the same.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Peace Amidst the Pressure
"I will sing a new song to You, O God."
Can one find peace after almost everything you own is either destroyed or covered in grime and soot?
Yes, by God's grace yes!
I know many people are praying. I feel the presence of God in their prayers.
Late yesterday, I was sitting in my car outside the hotel at the window of our room. (Kids were watching loud tv)With the Word in my lap and a breeze of a summer storm keeping me cool, I felt the calm presence of God.
I have been "camping out" in Psalm 1 all summer. The Words came to life.
I have also been studying Nehemiah. And Isaiah 7:1-7.
When I was in Louisiana, I felt so pressed to do a "Keys To Be Free" Video ministry on Isaiah 7:1-7.
Now, seeing the video after an "enemy" in the camp tried to steal and destroy my house with fire, the words I speak in this video are profound and amazing.
You know what I see? I see a faithful God who had me armed (the Word) and ready (faith) for this vicious attack. (Two days before I was to go back home in Louisiana, I kept hearing the tune of that Rich Mullins' song, "My Deliverer is Deliverer is standing by...")
That is why I can say you can find peace amidst the madness of attacks in Jesus!
We have quite a day today. Major two hour interview with the investigator from insurance company.
I'm speaking peace and favor!
Below is the video. I shot it about one week before we arrived in Dawsonville to our burnt out home.
Find more videos like this on Christian Market Leaders OPEN On Principle Entrepreneur Network
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Speaking Life Amidst Death
and speak life into my dilemma of having our house robbed and burned out.
It's hard enough dealing with the reality of a smoked out home, let alone being treated as a suspect and a criminal.
I had a 9am insurance audit (for our business insurance) meeting to start my day. I got up with faith in my mouth! I had to rush out to the house before the meeting to let another team of investigators into the house. These were people from our insurance company and they handled things much different than the county.
As I was driving my car to the house, I turned the channel to the station I used to work at (WWEV-FM91.5)to catch the end of a powerful rendition by Martha Munizzi of "Say the Name...Jesus". If you don't know the song,it has a line that says something like when you are in the midst of a trying time and don't know what to say, just say
the name of Jesus.
Good stuff to fuel my commitment to speak faith!
I was saying the name JESUS as I pulled into my drive way being greeted once again by a packed driveway of cars with "investigators" in them.
I did go back out there after my audit meeting and had to answer more questions. But...The lady who is handling the investigation for the insurance was so reassuring and instantly put into motion the insurance side to helping us.
By the end of the day, I had been contacted about finding another motel with a bigger room to stay in until THEY find us a place to live for the next few months. I was also told I could find financial aid to pay for basic things like food and items we need.
I had some time in the Word earlier on too that was very comforting. And then I got this e-mail that blew me away.I had to share it...IT is long...but it was a NOW word for me and is a NOW Word for so many people I know.
Ok...Thank you to so many who have shared and helped me with prayers and support. I'll be in touch. I hope you'll do the same.
By Jack Weinzierl
"I have a rather short, but powerful message to share this
morning having to do with getting back what the enemy has
stolen. I don't know about you, but I want my stuff back.
How do we get our stuff back? Through a lifestyle of
praise. And we are not talking about just a song here. We
are talking about putting God first. Numero uno. Read 2
Chronicles 20 today and you will see how King Jehoshaphat
led the army of Judah and put God first appointing singings
to walk ahead of the army. By the way, Judah means praise.
The other armies attacked and killed each other and King
Jehoshaphat and his men went out to gather the plunder. The
Lord gave them victory over their enemies. He is no
respector of persons and will do the same for us.
And make no mistake, the thief's purpose is to steal and
kill and destroy and His purpose is to give them a rich and
satisfying life....not my words but Jesus' words in John
And also make no mistake, if satan can get your praise, he
can get your stuff.
Our attention needs to be on God. David's was in 2 Samuel
6:21 when he talks about dancing before the Lord and he
says in verse 22 that he is willing to look even more
foolish than this, even to be humiliated in my own eyes.
This message is as much for me as anyone on the line this
morning. It is not to beat you up, but to encourage you.
His grace covers us all. The Bible says that a righteous
man can fall 7 times and gets back up.
We need to not let our emotions be our guide as they will
usually mislead us...let the Word lead you. We need to be
filled up with God's Word so we have joy in the midst of
trials. Devil, you are not getting our stuff and in fact,
you need to repay us up to 7 fold for what you have stolen.
In Job 42, Job received double for his trouble. In
Proverbs 6:31, the thief has to pay back seven times what
he stole.
And Fear is the greatest thief of our future.
Satan comes to rob us from expectation, joy, peace and our
Why does Satan come to attack our praise? He was the
worship leader in Heaven. When he stopped praising God, he
lost everything. That's why he wants you depressed. And
praise is not just a song. Praise is giving Him the
rightful place. When He is #1, we are covered. We can't
just shout on Sundays, and then doubt on Mondays folks.
When we just try to fit him in, we give the enemy place to
get in. We can't fit in God. The bumper sticker that says,
God is my Co-pilot. Well, folks, we better move over and
let God be our pilot as He can drive a lot better than we
can, amen? He needs to be pre-emminent. Praise is a
lifestyle. Is He Lord of our attitude? is He Lord over my
body? I don't do certain things, because I want to honor
God and the motivation is not what the world may promote,
but to glorify Him. Is Jesus Lord over your finances? Are
you honoring Him?
OK Jack, you had me until you talked about finances. Then
folks, that may be a specific area that you need to make
Him Lord over, amen.
So how do we get our stuff back?
1) Praise is the first thing.
God is too big to be fit into our lives, we need to fit
into His. Praise is the anedote. We have to stop
complaining and criticizing. You cannot complain and praise
at the same time. Say I praise you Jesus 3 times right
Did you complain when you were praising Him? You can't.
2) Devil, give me my stuff back, give me my stuff back. We
are not waiting and we are not going to let the Devil get
my stuff any more.
So we need to praise God first, then we need to take action
and demand our stuff back and,
3) We need to encourage ourselves in the Word.
No one can do this for us. In 1 Samuel 30:6 David was
greatly distressed. perplexed, confused, and felt defeated.
His own soldiers talked about stoning him. The very people
you counted on will not be there to encourage you at times.
We have to encourage ourselves in the Word.
If you need encouragement, look to Matthew 9:2 Our sins
are forgiven...I am encouraged
Matthew 14:27 Take courage as I am with you
John 16:33 I have overcome the world
Acts 27:22 Take courage as there will be no loss
Yes, you may be thinking, well he already took everything
and that is temporary. Whatever the devil thinks he got,
you are getting it back. I know I am getting it back. Paul
said, I believe God vs I believe in God. Even the devil and
demons believe in God.
Isaiah 35:4 Say to those with fearful hearts, "Be strong,
and do not fear, for your God is coming to destroy your
enemies. He is coming to save you."
Vengeance is His. God will show up with
vengeance--recompense...we are going to be repaid, amen.
1) Speak His Word
2) Job 9:27 Forget your complaint--wow this is a tough one
for me
Leave off my sad countenance. Forget what people have
done...that is not forgetting what our needs are. No room
for whining and complaining. Fast from complaining.
Again, this is as much for me as anyone on this line. I
have allowed the thief to steal in our lives long enough.
3) Sow a sacrificial seed and encourage ourselves
Devil, I demand my stuff back. Loose my stuff in Jesus'
I am going to close this call in prayer and open up for any
comments, but before I do, I want to read a personal
confession and if you have a copy of this, you are welcome
to read along with me. It will be in my notes from this
This is a new day. Be encouraged and here are some personal
confessions that you are welcome to print and leverage this
next week and every day.
I set the course of my life today with my words:
I declare today that I will not be defeated, discouraged,
depressed or disappointed.
I am the head, I have insight, I have wisdom, I have ideas,
I have authority.
I exercise my authority today with my words and I decree a
thing and it is so.
Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world (1
John 4:4)...the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the
dead, lives in me... (Romans 8:11)
As I speak words today, they come to pass (Job 22:28); they
go before me, they bring the things to pass that I desire;
and they stop all attacks, assaults, oppression, and fear
from coming to my life.
God is on my side today and, therefore, I cannot be
His favor surrounds me today as a shield. (Psalm 5:12 ). I
expect favor today from heaven and from the earth.
Jesus had favor with God and man (Luke 2:52 ), and as He is
so am I on this earth. (1 John 4:17)
Therefore, I have favor today with God and man.
I expect and receive favor in my home, favor in my job,
favor in my business, favor in my ministry, favor with my
finances, favor in every deal I am involved in.
I will think the right thoughts, say the right words and
make the right decisions in every situation I face today.
My mouth speaks wisdom and my heart is filled with
understanding. (Psalm 49:3)
I ask for, and receive, an abundant supply of wisdom and
understanding today from God (James 1:5)...wisdom from
above, wisdom that is pure, peaceable, gentle, unwavering,
willing to yield, without hypocrisy. (James 3:17)
Wisdom and understanding are better than silver and gold
and nothing I desire can compare with them; therefore, I
make it my ambition and desire to have understanding and
wisdom; therefore I know I will have all of the other
desires of my heart. (Proverbs 8:10-11)
My words go before me in securing my divine health and
I will not be sick today; I will not be sad today; I will
not be broke today; I will not be confused today.
I have health today; I have joy today; I have all the money
I need in the name of Jesus.
My steps are ordered by the Lord... (Psalm 37:23)
I have a covenant with God and by the blood of Jesus I
release my divine protection and divine provision.
I expect to have divine appointments today, to run into the
right people, and to be delivered from the wrong people.
Any adversity, attack, accidents and tragedies that were
headed my way are diverted right now in Jesus' name.
Now I speak to:
every mountain of fear
every mountain of discouragement
every mountain of stress
every mountain of depression
every mountain of lack and insufficiency
And I say, "Be removed and cast into the sea in Jesus'
name!" (Mark 11:23 ) I expect the best day of my life
spiritually, emotionally, relationally and financially
today in Jesus' name.
Dear Heavenly Father, I know I have not always had you as
my first priority and I thank you for your grace. We want
to honor you in all we do and I am committed to not just
fitting you into our busy lives....but making and keeping
you as the priority in our lives. Thank you for your love
and your protection and for the authority you have given us
as a believer as your sons and daughters. We pray for our
enemies this morning that you touch their hearts and minds
and heal them, in Jesus name, amen.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Beauty For Ashes?
I saw another area where someone had gone through my bathroom drawers and put all my ear rings out on the counter. Thank goodness I am NOT a diamond and lace girl...All they had were earings that did not match, a fake pearl earing and a couple of rings....
Dave had to work. My goodness he has to provide for us! He has quite a few jobs lined up...Bless his heart. So I have to be the one to handle the investigators, insurance people and all...What a new role to play.
The investigation continues...Which is so surreal....terrible feeling to be scrutinized like a criminal. They had four more fire investigators from three counties out there, one being the lead investigator in this area.....I stayed outside. Thank goodness Dave's dad came to keep me company.
I am really amazed at how faithful God is to help you through times like this. He has really shown up for me in the smallest of ways (which are big at this time).
I am so glad I got that lesson from Isaiah chapter 7 (which I blogged about below in some posts). Interesting that the threat I was talking about was in the form of a "smoking firebrand"!
And what did God tell Isaiah to say?
"The final word from Isaiah to King Ahaz concerning the attack from these two enemy forces is the same word for you. Whether you are fighting attacks on your children, your family, your finances, your healing, or any insurmountable problem:
"Thus says the Lord God: It shall not stand, Nor shall it come to pass."
So, I'm walking out this right now. This attack is just attack. I believe what the enemy tries to do to harm you,God can turn around and bring hope and change.
" for ashes...."
Out of the ash heap, I am believing God for a new thing...As we clean up the clutter, I am believing for a change....No weapon formed against you shall it says in Isaiah.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia...At Our House!
Our house had been vandalized and someone started a fire to cover the evil deed in our basement.
The only reason our house is still standing is because it is so well built (by my husband dave), and insulated.
The fire was started underneath the stairs downstairs. I don't know a lot of details because it is under major investigation but I can say it's terrible inside. Everything downstairs is black, melted down to nothing, or burned away.
I was the first one in the house when we came home. I thought the house smelled musty as I turned the alarm off. When my daughter saw the black coach she let out a shriek and yelled mom, the house has been on fire.
About that time I was making my way down the hall and around a corner when I saw the terrible black marks on my hardwood up from the downstairs. It felt warm and I was not sure if the fire was smouldering or going on still downstairs. So I yelled get out as we ran up the drive way and I called 911.
Basically, it's a terrible feeling. It's bad enough your house is full of soot and your basement demolished by the fire but to add insult to the pain, we got questioned one by one by detectives afterward it was deemed an obvious arson. Even my kids got questioned.
Later we went in with the investigators and realized some valuables were stolen from the master bedroom.
So, here we are in a motel...for a week....or how ever long it will take to survey the damage, discover the source of the arson, and deal with the insurance company on the damage.
The fire may have been downstairs but the aftereffects are all over my house. Soot, smoke, grime..UGLY.
So please pray. My kids are resilient but this was a tough one.
I believe God's grace will cover their tender minds.
I am praying for favor with the insurance company....
We have to deal now with the reality of someone stealing from us and trying to cover it up with a fire.
So, thank you for any prayers or advice,
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Keys To Begin Your Own Video Ministry
Do you have a roadmap? Do you have a clear vision in your mind that matches the dream behind the God given destiny?
Understanding the importance of having a "mental map", as Jesse Duplantis explains in his new book, "Evey Day Visionary", is a key beginning point.
You may be convinced of this God given destiny, but you still have to make choices to go in the direction of it. You need purpose and direction. Your thoughts and dreams must have an intent that gets the "ball rolling" to move!
A mental map means you take the time to focus, pray, and allow the idea to develop into action. For our purpose here, it could mean as simple as getting a Flip Video camera and starting to video yourself sharing the Word of God.
The focus coupled with the action produces the roadmap...the mental map, to your final destination of having a video ministry.
I highly recommend you get this book by Jesse Duplantis as you begin your video ministry.
Duplantis gives an example of how he got his dream of preaching to the World on TV started in his book. His beginning actions included sharing the idea with key people and being faithful in in the local area preaching the Word around southern Louisiana. As he preached and shared, people would come up to him and comment on how they were encouraged and could see him on television someday.
With the verbal support came financial support which propelled him to the next step: Hiring the local cable network to shoot him preaching into the camera for a week. He went in with his Bible as they shot the video each day. Duplantis then hired a production company to produce and edit the introductions and closing to his program which had key information of his ministry's address and phone number.
Soon people were writing in with prayer requests, support and asking for more material.
The rest is history. Jesse Duplantis is now seen Worldwide on a number of networks. He not only has his ministry program on Christian Networks such as The Trinity Broadcast Network (TBN), Daystar, but also on the major networks of ABC, NBC, CBS,
and Fox Television!
So write the vision out, make it clear, and put some action to the dream!!
Habakkuk 2:2-3
"Write the vision and make it plain on tablets,
That he may run who reads it,
For the vision is yet for an appointed time;
But at the end it will speak, and not lie.
Though it tarries, wait for it;
Because it will surely come,
It will not tarry."
Click to go tips on Video Ministry
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Tuesday, July 15, 2008
William's YouTube Moment
I hear William talking and someone. I KNOW I had locked the doors so I figured he had let his little friend Hannah in to play.
Nope. He snuck in my room with my Flip camera. After trying to shoot me (he got me), he tossed the camera on the bed.
I decided to see what all he had shot.
I laughed so hard I about fell out a bed.
Check this out!!
Needless to say, he is NOT camera shy. (I wonder why...VideoMOMTee
Sweet Home...Louisiana For Summer
The kids and I are spending some hot "dawg days" of summer not in the "Jaw-juh" sun but in "Weeesiana" (as my son pronounces Louisiana while Dave finishes up a job in Georgia.
William did inform me this morning that he misses Georgia.
Anyway, here's a fun little video montage I made.
Key To Be Free-For Your Children
Today is a special day to the Catholic youth who are celebrating "World Youth Day." Pope John Paul II initiated this occasion 23 years ago as a way of reaching young people with the message of the Gospel. Since that first World Youth Day, millions of young people have been touched and transformed by the love of God and the power of the Holy Spirit through this event.
Reading about this today made me think of this point.
The young people of our day are under attack by a vicious enemy that looks to warp their minds and steal their souls. If you are a parent, one of the main battle grounds of the enemy is his precarious plot to kill your seed.
Whether you have children or not, we all have those war zones where we feel the heat of the fire, from the enemy, by our own poor choices, and from the struggles that come with life.
But there is hope! The promises of God are yes and Amen. The Word will not fail us.
I took some notes from Isaiah 7:1-9 which strengthened my heart.
In this passage, King Ahaz is under attack by the Rezin, King of Syria, and Pekah the son of Remaliah. They wanted to to take over Judah to strengthen their own coalition against Assyria.
Because Ahaz, the ruler of the Davidic throne at this time, had no faith in God, the heart of the whole royal court shook--"moved with the wind." (Isaiah 7:2)
Can you relate? I know I can. Many crushing issues from family to financial matters, have made me fearful resulting in my faith being paralyzed.
Back to this Scripture:
So God sent the prophet Isaiah to Ahaz with a powerful word to strengthen their faith. (Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God).
I believe this word is for the young people of our day, for parents who see the warped attack for their children's hearts, and for anyone facing terrible circumstances which seem to never end.
Check out the words God gave to Isaiah to speak in verse 4 of Isaiah 7:
"Take heed, and be quiet; do not fear or be fainthearted for these two stubs of smoking firebrands, for the fierce anger of Rezin and Syria.....
The instructions are clear:
Take Heed - Be careful, be calm no matter what your senses see or feel.
Be quiet - The power of life and death is in your tongue as Proverbs says. Don't just talk about the problems, have a plan of action and DO something.
Do not fear - Nothing kills faith quicker than fear.
Two Smoldering Stubs - The two enemies appeared to be like firebrands (something that can be used to start a fire that destroys). But these firebrands were merely smoking, about to die out completely.
Yes, the plan to walk through these shaking times are clear. So are God's promises.
In this passage God has HIS Word on the line as He had foretold that Judah was HIS Remnant which would always be faithful to Him, and secure God's Messianic promises to Abraham.
The final word from Isaiah to King Ahaz concerning the attack from these two enemy forces is the same word for you. Whether you are fighting attacks on your children, your family, your finances, your healing, or any insurmountable problem:
"Thus says the Lord God: It shall not stand, Nor shall it come to pass.
That has got to make you SHOUT! (Or at least run around the house a few times).
So look beyond what you see, even if your "senses give you no assurance."
Continue to dream and believe that the Youth of today will be won to the Lord, that you will have your healing in your body or family, that you will get out of debt, that you will------(you fill in the blank).
Keep dreaming and walking to what God has ordained for you.
"To dream is not the phantoms of our brain but the outline of our divine destiny."
--Jesse Duplantis, JDM Ministries--
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Simple Video Step To Start Ministry Marketing Using Flip Video
Are you ready to enter the video marketing strategy with your ministry or your business?
This is one of my passions. To help Christians find ministry marketing ideas to help them as they look to promote their ministry or raise money so they can minister freely.
I'm in the midst of creating a whole website full of these tips.
It's a step by step process....A real journey. I'm in my beginning stages and loving it.
Why do I like this?
Well, as I said, I love to come alongside and help people. In addition, I am quite serious in looking into marketing strategies, personal development, and increasing skills. All of this comes wrapped in a neat package as I write for my site, read e-books and marketing strategies on line.
God is giving me a season where I can do this. So I'm trying to be faithful with my time, and dig in to get something up and running now. So then when school starts, business cranks up with AMC (, I'll have something making treadway on the internet.
Gotta go...Lots of writing still to go!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
The Devil Is A Liar...and Mad
I don't know. I started to sing this as I was uploading this video here.
A few days ago I blogged sharing that my son accepted Jesus into his heart.
Well I put my new little Flip camera to action and had William share in his own words below...His salvation came about in the midst of his fears from the devil.
I got to go find that song...and play it for William!
This is definitely a Flip Video Moment to Remember!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
What Are You Sowing?
"They sow in the wind, and reap the whirlwind...
The verse made me evaluate quickly my actions of sowing and reaping, especially in light of goals to be a godly wife and mother, to get out of debt, be a successful coach in ministry marketing and to help others to find the freedom they need in Christ.
What is sowing in the wind?
These things came to mind:
Planting on shallow, rocky ground.
That can be as simple as tithing to a ministry that is bearing no fruit! God trusts us with the discernment to sow our tithes and offerings into ministries that are impacting the world for HIS glory...and not just the glory of a preacher or ministry.
Sowing to our flesh
Not much more needs to be said here. When we let our flesh, worldly desires, the "I want it and I want it now" mentality rule, we quickly can find ourselves captive to debt, sorrow, and emptiness.
Sowing to a fantasy
Lots of temptations assault us everyday with this one. From lottery tickets to get rich quick scams, the carrot of riches dangles in front of us in many forms.
I think of this verse in Proverbs on this issue: "He who tills his land (tends to his business, works in proven methods of attaining wealth)
will have plenty of bread. but he who follows frivolity will have poverty enough."
So this made me ask myself the question: "What are you sowing?"
I prayed and asked God to help me with this listI
I need to sow:
*Time in the Word, prayer in my intimate relationship with God
*Time with my husband serving him and his needs.
*Sowing mercy and love in all my relationships, especially as I groom my two children into vessels of honor for God.
*Finances to ministries that are producing a good crop of people finding Jesus, being discipled, feeding the hungry, providing for widows, and serving faithfully God's Kingdom.
*Sowing in the spiritual realm through fasting and praying for others.
*Time spend studying and developing personal development, maybe even a new skill, that is needed as part of God's destiny for my life. It might mean reading a book instead of watching television. Spending money to go to a Dani Johnson seminar, instead of season tickets to see a favorite sports team.
This little verse definitely made me think long and hard this morning.
I desire to continue on a path I believe God has made even more clear in the past year.
I pray what I sow remains and is not just dust in the wind.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Will's Victory Over the Furry Tailed Devil
"My six year old son asked Jesus into his little heart today. He was scared and all upset about the devil.
That lead into a discussion about using Jesus' name to make the devil scram.
He still was so upset. So I said, "You know how you can really make the enemy mad, William?'
"How?", he weakly responded.
"Pray right now and ask Jesus into your heart," I responded gently as I held him to my side.
"Okay...Let's pray mom."
So William repeated the prayer I said asking Jesus into his heart, and confessing Jesus as Lord.
He seemed to settle down...I hugged him and told him I was proud and happy.
I then showed him a few verses in the Bible about believing in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead and confessing Him as Lord. He sat in my lap and read right along with me.
So he went back to playing and talking to his sister. After a bit, he came back a little concerned.
"I felt something mom," he whispered.
"Oh, did you feel the Holy Spirit?" I asked.
"No," he responded with great trepidation. "I felt something...furry. You know mom, the devil has a furry tail."
So we once again had a little talk about Jesus defeating the enemy once and for all on the cross. He listened so with great focus and concentration drinking in each word that I spoke.
I can't help but wonder what God has in store for this little man. I noted in my Journal the date and time writing that William asked Jesus into his heart and had him sign his name below the paragraph.
That seemed to seal the deal.
So on this 7th day of July, my little singing angel man accepted Jesus into his heart.
When he was three years old, I'd repeat this statement to him and have him say it back...
"My name is William James...I am a chosen vessel God. Chosen by God to preach healing, hope and salvation to the world in the name of Jesus!"
The journey to his destiny has just begun!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Captive No More
"Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord,
When the plowman shall overtake the reaper,
And the treader of grapes him who sows seed,
The mountains shall drip with sweet wine,
And all the hills shall flow with it.
I will bring back the captives of
my people......"
Amos 9:13-14
What holds you captive?
Is it debt...a relationship, unforgivness...or a situation out of your control?
What holds you in a prison could be of your own making, or not.
The real question is will you allow it to keep you tied up and bound?
The enemy wants to use it to quench the Holy Spirit in you. To keep you down and discouraged, wallowing in bitterness thinking nothing can change your circumstances.
God, however, never gives up on you. So you shouldn't give up either.
Just as He gave a strategic plan for Nehemiah to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, so He can give you a plan to bring a flow of blessings and restoration to replace the ruin.
God's final goal is not just to repair the breach in the fortress of your heart, but to make you whole, strong, and able to handle the blessings He wants to pour out.
God's process of perfecting us is always at work, especially amidst the trials and battles you face in life. While the enemy wants to destroy you, God desires to keep walking in faith trusting Him to bring you forth as a vessel of honor that reflects His glory and light to a dark world.
The keys in this process lies with you and me.
Will you walk in faith and obedience? Will you trust God to give you wisdom and a strategic plan to bring you out of that captivity?
Here are FOUR keys that you can use to be free, no matter your situation that has you bound.
1) Prepare and plan. God can give you the exact wisdom in this preparation. Be specific with your goals of action. Make long term goals as well as short. The long term goals help you through the delays.
2)Study-- Make steps to grow in your own personal development. The market place pays for value and your value is your skills. Learn a new skill, if you have to. If you can learn the art of communicating and dealing with people, that one skill alone
can help you wherever you start, from Wal Mart to Wallstreet!
3) Work. Be dedicated to work the plan, disciplined to stretch the mental muscles, and consistent in an effective work ethic. This is not work to be busy, but work that has a proven track record to give the results you desire. (That is why preparation and study goes first)!
4)Walk in close relationship with Jesus. Walk by faith and not sight. Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. God has a way of honoring those who walk closely to Him. One moment of His favor can bring an abundance of blessings that man could ever produce in a lifetime.
It is the middle of 2008. No greater time to start now in this walk toward freedom, and be captive no more!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
The Passing of a Friend
Hugh "Baby" was a legend in his time, singing with the Jordanaires Quartet and backing the KING of rock and roll, Elvis Presley. The Jordanaires and Elvis recorded 50 albums together, and they traveled with him during the 1950's. Hugh and the Quartet, sang backup for Presley on "Hound Dog," "Don't Be Cruel," "Love Me Tender," "All Shook Up," "Jailhouse Rock" and "I Want You, I Need You, I Love You."
Hugh could tell you some stories that's for sure. He was the "voice" who would say the now famous saying, "Elvis has left the building." I loved when he'd share stories about how crazy those times were.
Hugh is in the picture on the right here...He's the tall gentleman pictured on the right.
I could write on an on about the famed Hugh Jarrett of old. As a former radio dj myself, I can appreciate his incredible career as a disc jockey, in addition to singing. He was THE most famous radio personality from his days on the radio in Nashville, Tennessee.
Hugh worked for the same radio station as I did just outside of Atlanta, Georgia in the latter part of his life. He'd come into the station with his big smile and warm words. Hugh always had something kind or positive to say.
I can't tell you how many times this man would come into the station and tell me how good I sounded on the radio. He just had this bubbly enthusiasm and appreciation for people. He was amazing in his kind spirit.
To get a compliment from Hugh Baby was rather awkward for me at first. I mean here's a legend in his own time taking time to say something encouraging to me about being on air.
But that was Hugh. He lit up our station every time he came to do his Sunday morning shift (recorded).
My daughter, who is 10, was so sad to hear of Hugh's death. Even though he could never remember her name, he always had something nice to say to her. She was kicking herself for not getting his autograph. When she discovered who "Elvis" was a few years ago and that Hugh sang with the King, she became quite impressed. The Miley Cyrus fan loves to meet singers and anyone who is famous.
It was fun seeing Hugh's face light up when Anna first wanted to meet him. When someone remembered his past, you could tell he appreciated it. We'd have people come in quite often to the radio station when they'd realize Hugh was there. They'd come with their Elvis pictures or the Jordaniares. He'd sign them and share a story or two. (He was part of Presley's famous waist-up appearance on "The Ed Sullivan Show" in 1956. A skinny, beaming Mr. Jarrett wearing a plaid sport coat can be seen just over and behind Mr. Presley's left shoulder, hand-clapping, finger-snapping and swaying to the music.)
I have been out of radio for a few years now. I miss seeing Hugh. I can't help but sigh when thinking how sad it is that he is not around anymore.
In my mind today, I thought of him and got a vision of him in heaven. He had that smile and was 'be-bopping', in no pain, with the chorus in the heavenly realms singing praises to the REAL KING, Jesus.
And, he was announcing that Jesus WAS IN the building!
Destiny Part 1: Choose Your Friends Wisely
What power in that one little Psalm!
If you are ever wondering what is your destiny in life, that Psalm has the answer.
Your destiny is to be blessed. This is a kind of "blessed" that is for the whole of your life, as you follow the words to this simple Psalm.
But you don't just "arrive" to your God given destiny. There is a road to travel. And on that road you are going to meet people, all kinds of people.
Some of them will assist you and cheer you on. Some will drag you down and want you to hang in the sewer of life with them.
The people you choose to be with is pivotal on this road.
"Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, Nor stands in the path of sinners, Nor sits in the seat of the scornful.... Verse 1
The friends and associates you hang with can determine which path you choose to walk in life. I don't think this has to be broken down.
We all can think of that one person who started to be around the "wrong crowd" and their life was changed drastically.
Godly counsel is a prerequisite to prosperity. "For by wise counsel you will wage your own war. And in a multitude of counselors there is safety." Proverbs 24:6
He who walks with the wise will be wise.
So you know God has called you to...........something. You may not be "there" yet. You even maybe discouraged by where you are and how slow the process.
Who are you hanging with. Do they celebrate you and your gifts or just tolerate you.
It may seem painful but move away from those who can't appreciate your gifts and talents. Go where you are celebrated. If that means a different set of friends or a different church, go.
Blessed is the man who....
So many blessings for you ahead. Take one step at a time.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
What Do You Say When....
What do you say to someone who's prayers go unanswered?
I start my work day (from home) today with word of a friend whose 20 something year old son died in a motorcycle accident.
Right after that call, another one from a friend facing another month, another year with no answer to her prayer to have a baby.
What do you do? Rather, what do you say?
I know there is only so much you can say without sounding trite or abrasive. My brain wants to pummel them with verses from the Word. My heart wants to reach out and just comfort them.
I believe a combination of both, minus the pummeling, can help. God's Word does not return void.
So to the friend who lost his son, I ask him if I could pray for him right at that moment as I talked on the phone. I said a quick prayer with the verse "The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." (Psalm 34). He sobbed and said "thank you."
I can only trust God that was enough.
For the friend who was longing for a child, listening was the best course of action. And then a gentle word simply re-assuring her that God does know the desires of her heart. She said she could relate to Abraham and Sarah in the Bible. That brought an opening to share Romans 4...specifically encouraging her to be like Abraham..."Who did not waver at the promises of God through unbelief, but was strengthened by faith knowing that He who promised was able to accomplish what HE had promised...."
In times like these, I am so thankful for the Word of God and the Holy Spirit.
For with His Word and His Spirit, we can be broken bread and poured out wine. We can weep with those who weep. We can be "Jesus with skin on" to a lost and hurting world, or simply to those around us.
My encouragement to you?
As you face the punches of life, and the unfair curve balls that hit your gut, learn to allow the "God of all comfort" be your source of hope and solace amidst your pain.
I know "soaking in His Word" during those terribly painful times have been my only hope. The Word can be like the "Balm of Giliad", which not only takes the sting away but also makes the wound whole again.
So as you allow God to comfort you, you in turn are able to comfort others.
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also abounds through Christ." (2 Corinthians 1:3-5)
Be Jesus with skin on to someone today.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Key 2 Be Free-The Video
A song of hope amidst devastation. You can climb out of any pit and find something worth living for....
The Heat IS On
The financial temperature of our country is boiling. From the markets to the gas pumps, the reality of our financial situation can't help but make you concerned.
What are you going to do about it? What am I going to do about it?
I believe that you can flourish in your finances while the world is floundering.
What are the keys?
I am walking them out right now.
Key #1
Get out of debt!
I have found some amazing services that will enable you to gather, say your credit card debt, and be able to pay them off with a fixed payment each month. One of the best I've found is Doing that could be a big start to getting your credit cards paid off quicker.
Be willing to gain in personal development.
Your income often follows your skill set. It's amazing what learning to improve certain skills, such as in communicating with people, can to do improve your business. (Not to mention your personal relationships).
The BEST coach in this arena is Dani Johnson.
Dani is an author, speaker, trainer and founder of Call to Freedom International. She went from living out of car with $2.03 to her name to earning her first million in two short years using the skills she learned from a successful businessman.
I have personally been on the receiving end of her teaching/coaching from marketing and profit strategies to leadership development. Her passion is helping people break through barriers that stop them from experiencing true freedom emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and financially.
Reading great books is another way to gain in this personal development area. I can think of no greater book that "How To Win Friends and Influence People", by Dale Carnegie. That book alone will teach you skills in dealing with people that could open up a whole new world of possibilities.
Key #3
Trust God,
This is not the final key but it's a good one to stop on for today. When it's all said and done, putting your trust in the LORD for your future is the best thing to do. You have to KNOW Him to trust HIM. Knowing HIM is as simple as saying LORD I NEED now!
As you walk with Him, listen to HIM (read the Word) and talk to HIM (pray), you can find peace amidst a chaotic mess in your life. Whether the mess is your own doing or not, nothing can bring you joy in the journey like a relationship with Jesus.
One of my favorite verses in Psalms says "But as for me I trust in You, O times are in your hands."
Marketing For Freedom to Serve
Whether you are a Christian musician, businessman, or preacher, or a stay at home mom, you can utilize online marketing strategies that can be the key to set you free to minister. Financial freedom and your fulfillment to go in the direction of your God given destiny can go hand in hand today.
I have spent over 15 years as an announcer at a Christian radio station just outside of Atlanta, Georgia. The FM radio station is a ministry. I got to witness first hand the ups and downs of trying to raise support for the ministry, the balance one needs in mixing a ministry as a business, and the amazing giving spirit of Christians who gave to keep that station going strong.
My heart's passion is to see God's people financially free, mobile, and ready to serve Him.
While being in a ministry, I have had the chance to see successful Christian music marketing and Christian produced programs. I've also experienced first hand the struggles a ministry can have financially to continue in it's mission.
I believe God is raising up an army of Christians who are doing something about getting out of debt, finding financial freedom, working from home, and willing to do what it takes to have the resources to be able to be Jesus with skin on to a lost world.
Whether you feel your destiny is in Christian music, as an evangelist, a Christian businessperson, or even a stay at home mom, you can find keys to financial freedom and take advantage of the amazing possibilities on line!